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prinder's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 12, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old
Location: Norwich, United Kingdom

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My Journal

75% Baked
By prinder » Posted Nov. 3, 2014 5:10am - 424 views - 0 comments

It feels like it's been forever, but we're at last at the home stretch. T-minus 10 Weeks and counting and I feel... okay... not stellar but okay. Moving around is slower process these days than it was before, and I'm finding that I get warning twinges when I lift a lot of things that didn't bother me at all back at 20-25 weeks. I'm playing it smart: if it twinges to do something, I don't do the thing. It can and will wait until someone else does it.

Next week, there is another Midwife appointment and the week after that there will be another Ultrasound to see if my low-laying placenta has moved out of the way. I would honestly be surprised if it didn't, given how much I've ballooned since the last one.

If I go off of what I was before I knew I was pregnant, my total weight gain has been all of 7 pounds, but that is only because I lost something like 10-12 pounds in the first trimester and it has very, very, slowly creeped back. Going off of that, the gain still hasn't been extreme.

I don't have Gestational Diabetes, which is also good to know. I was honestly worrying about it for a little while there, but I feel better now that I know it isn't a problem for this pregnancy.

To be honest, I'm more interested in what the ultrasound yields over what the midwife has to say. The last ultrasound put baby Groot in the 50th percentile, but the Fundal hight measurement 8 weeks later put it at the 95th percentile. That's a massive jump (and the reason why I was suddenly sweating the GTT) compared to the scan. There are a lot of reasons why that could be, many of them completely harmless, but despite knowing this, I still find myself dreading the thought of having a large baby to push out.

Okay, so as far as my family history goes, big babies is something of the norm. SIL's baby wasn't exactly petite either, clocking in at a respectable 8 pound-something. Looking at the facts as they are presented to me, the likelihood of having a child being the same is pretty good. Eep.

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