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Joined Dec. 18, 2014 9:56am

JaxyBoBaxy's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 23, 2015
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 36 years old

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My Journal

Entry 004: Food Aversions
By JaxyBoBaxy » Posted Dec. 29, 2014 9:51am - 265 views - 3 comments

Certain aversions to sources of fuel has begun to set in, though a logical explanation cannot be offered at this time. A pilot such as myself has few pleasures in this world, one of which is consuming massive quantities of glucose, or sugar. The first aversion struck out the snackfood commonly known as "Doritos", which was no loss on my part. The second aversion has begun to wage war close to my heart. Sugary foods that once brought me joy now cause nothing but pain. It's as though all the sugar in the world has been replaced by napalm.

Attempting to cling to the last iota of pleasure I could extract from the sugary foods I now cannot stand to consume, I visited my favorite bakery to merely look. If I cannot touch and I cannot eat, I should at least be able to fantasize, so I figured. The first several seconds were nearly as blissful as actually eating. Then, the sugar aversion decided that even that small joy was too great for the punishment it has decided I deserve for some unknown crime.

This mission is proving to be difficult in ways I had not anticipated. I suspect that the baby at the heart of this mission has somehow spat in the face of medical science and despite bearing genetic similarities to me, will not be biologically related to me. That is the only possible explanation for a sugar aversion.

The co-pilot has decided to use this opportunity to coerce me into consuming more fruits, ignoring that fruits are also sugary and thus also affected by the sugar aversion.

Even crueler, a new craving peaked its head and had to be promptly snuffed from existence. I do not consume ham or pig products. This is not in observance of any religious doctrine; it is simply because they're gross and taste bad. Something in the back of mind suggested that I consume the foulest of all pig products - bacon. Truly, this child is not mine.

I have found pizza to be the least offensive food for the short term, though I am hoping to find something else I could stuff in my gullet without protest from the ham-loving, sugar-hating baby growing within.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from JaxyBoBaxy » Posted Dec. 29, 2014 10:12pm
Don't I know it! I will trade you my sugar aversion for your heartburn, MsTigre.

Comment from kaitlinrae » Posted Dec. 29, 2014 9:04pm
Yikes! That baby of yours needs to get it's priorities straight, sugar > pork.

Comment from MsTigre » Posted Dec. 29, 2014 6:39pm
This cracked me up so hard, hahaha. I'm curious as to what aversions and cravings I'll have as well. Currently, my body wants me to eat constantly, but when I do, I get to feel nauseous and have acid reflux. Wonderful.

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