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Joined Oct. 7, 2011 8:11pm

elizabethwig's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 6, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 39 years old

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My Journal

more than a quarter through!
By elizabethwig » Posted Feb. 13, 2012 8:47pm - 280 views - 0 comments

man, i let this slide, didn't i? well, time to ignore work and get back at it!

5 days ago i hit 25%! i'm not sure why that mattered so much to me, but it did and i was very happy about it. now i'm breezing through on my way to 28... and beyond!

other highlights of the last couple of weeks:
- had some spotting which freaked me out so i got another ultrasound. baby measured right on track at about 9 weeks and a couple of days. the tech was much nicer this time. she took the time to explain everything to me and gave me a tour of my uterus and the dude inside. it was thrilling. when i get that computer home, i'll upload the photo. long overdue

- had my first regular prenatal visit. found out they don't do regular NT scans here, but i could get blood work to assess risk. the doc didn't want to make me anxious by possibly not hearing the heartbeat on the doppler (i was only 10 weeks, they said it's hit and miss till 12ish), so i'm anxiously awaiting that on march 6th.

- told my advisor. i'm in grad school and very few women have kids in grad school. there's a lot of pressure to constantly be putting out papers and many people think that so early in their career it would be disadvantageous to take time off in order to have a kid. plus, i'm sure they want to avoid trying to write and defend a dissertation with a toddler at home. maybe they're onto something there, but so what? it's not like it gets better, timing wise. so why not? my advisor was *amazing*. he's had male students have kids, but never a female student. he really tried to make it clear that i should do whatever i want to make it the best time for me and not really worry about what i think i should be doing, work-wise. he said that other women in the department should be able to look back at my experience and not feel nervous about starting a family themselves. the details still have to be worked out as the time approaches (e.g. time off, teaching responsibilities, funding, etc), but it's great to have such a supportive advisor.

- bought more pregnancy-related gear: a body pillow! i've been trying to concoct my own body pillow from several separate ones, but it just wasn't cutting it any more. the idea of spending $70 for a pregnancy pillow seemed absurd to me though, so when i saw this one on sale for $35, i figured what the hell. it's not a full body pillow size, but it's long enough to stuff between my legs and hold on to, and it's curved so it fits/stays better than just a regular pillow. and plus: it doubles as a nursing pillow later! hurrah for multi-purpose items!

- been nauseous on and off. threw up for the first (and so far only) time a week ago. seems like morning sickness is finally sticking mostly to the morning. which is awesome once about 11am comes around, but it makes it very difficult to get up and motivate myself to get on a crowded bus every morning. those preggie pop drops are amazing - only thing that works in the morning. they may be a placebo, but at 7 every morning, i'd suck on tree bark if i thought it would help get me on the bus. it's mornings like these that i really wish i could justify buying a car. it doesn't make any sense living where we do, but i dream about it sometimes!

so that's about it. oh! just in time for valentine's day: i've mostly got over my aversion to chocolate! it was devastating (ok, i exaggerate a little) because i am normally a chocolate FIEND. i live for the stuff. i kept trying to eat it, knowing it would taste gross, just cause i knew how good it should be! so annoying. now, i look forward to all forms of chocolate awesomeness tomorrow!

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