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Joined Oct. 19, 2011 9:34am

MrsFin1403's Pregnancy

My Due Date: June 24, 2012
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 45 years old

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My Journal

Our Junebug is a GIRL!
By MrsFin1403 » Posted Feb. 7, 2012 2:31pm - 166 views - 0 comments

Had our 20 week checkup and ultrasound yesterday. Junebug is quite the wiggly little worm and had to be chased down to get heartbeat again, which was 160. Fundus measured at 19 weeks, so pretty on track with growth.

DH picked up the kids from school and brought them to the office to see the ultrasound. DD was super excited, but the anatomy scan portion bored DS and he wandered around the room, pacing like his daddy does, waiting for the gender announcement. Hard to get a good still shot since Junebug was doing the cha-cha the whole time, but after several passes of the pelvic region, the doc said he did NOT see any "outdoor plumbing" and that it looked like we are adding another little girl to our family!

DH said he is surprised but happy - he really thought she was a boy from the ornery behavior in utero so far, but I told him no, this is all little girl drama! DD is ecstatic to have a baby sister and is already making plans to play Barbies and dolls. DS said beforehand that he thought Junebug was a girl, but would be happy either way. But, when doc said Girl, he looked a little bit deflated. By bedtime last night, he was cool with it saying that he will teach Junebug to play cars and nerf guns :) I think he is going to be an excellent big brother.

Now that we know gender, I can really start planning! Halfway there now, only 20 weeks to go!

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