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Joined Oct. 19, 2011 9:34am

MrsFin1403's Pregnancy

My Due Date: June 24, 2012
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 45 years old

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My Journal

Its a new dawn, its a new day, its a new life...and I'm feeling good.
By MrsFin1403 » Posted Oct. 19, 2011 10:03am - 173 views - 0 comments

I am so happy it finally happened. After my previous experience with trying to conceive (both of my children were conceived on the first try) this time has been somewhat frustrating. I'm sure that the Mirena played a big part in it, but 4 months of trying seemed liked an eternity!

But, now I have my two pretty pink lines and am thrilled beyond words. Dh is settling into the idea. It's usually not "real" for him until that first ultrasound. Nov 14th seems like such a long ways off now, but I'm praying the days go by fast. Then they can take their time.

I thought we were done after DS and that our family was complete. I never thought I would get bit by the baby bug quite so hard! Now, I just want to savor every moment of this pregnancy, the good and the uncomfortable. Who knows if there will be any more babies in our future?

I am so looking forward to feeling those first flutterings, the gentle kicks, the internal somersaults...and getting to share all of that with my DD and DS who are old enough to really enjoy the experience along with me. DD was 9 mo old when we conceive DS and though she knew there was a baby in Mama's belly, she didn't quite "get it." She is so sweet with her baby cousins that I know she will be thrilled to have a baby in our own home. DS has asked off and on for the last few years when he will get to be a big brother. Up until January of this year, I felt kind of bad that we had no plans to have more children and that he wouldn't know that feeling. Now that he WILL get to be a big brother, I think he will be ecstatic!

I can't wait until we are far enough along to feel comfortable telling everyone. Though I am most excited to tell the kiddos, I know our families will be SO surprised and excited.

If this pregnancy is similar to my other 2, then I still have about 4 more weeks before my morning sickness kicks in, but thankfully it only lasts a few weeks. But, for now, I'm feeling good.

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