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Joined Oct. 19, 2011 9:34am

MrsFin1403's Pregnancy

My Due Date: June 24, 2012
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 45 years old

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My Journal

Hello, Peanut!
By MrsFin1403 » Posted Nov. 15, 2011 1:00pm - 163 views - 0 comments

Yesterday was wonderful - DH and I finally got to see our little one on ultrasound and hear the little heartbeat. The baby looks like a little peanut shell but is the cutest peanut shell I've seen...well, since my last two peanuts!

I think it is real for DH now. Seeing that flickering heartbeat and then hearing it for a moment just finalized the idea that there is a little one growing inside of me.

Now that I know everything is okay and looking good, I want to shout it from the rooftops! DH wants to wait a bit longer, which I understand. We are just 8 weeks along, so no harm in waiting a few more. I'm just so excited to tell our DD and DS! Our doc printed two extra pictures for us to give to each of them. I can't wait to see their faces!

I know patience is a virtue...sadly it is not one of mine. Just need to keep myself busy so the time will fly by. I think we will tell sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

On a side note, I thought my morning/all day sickness was getting better. I had 2 good days where I hardly felt bad at all. Then, last night, we went out for a celebration dinner (well, the kids didn't know it was a celebration!) to Fiesta Ranchera. Ugh - I was fine during dinner and even when we went for a walk and did some window shopping afterward, but when we got home I was so ill. It is the first time I have vomited this pregnancy and it was terrible!

DS came upstairs, unfortunately, and saw/heard me. But, he made me laugh and feel a bit better. He asked "Mama, are you sick? Or did you drink too much alcohol?" LOL! Recently on TV we saw a PSA on teen drinking and it showed this young woman losing her lunch after scenes of her partying. The kids asked about it so I gave a brief explanation I thought they would understand, without getting into too much detail. Well, it must have made an impression on my little man!

I told him, no, I don't drink alcohol, but thought that my tummy just didn't like my dinner after all. He seemed satisfied with that and ran off to play.

Thank God for my sweet children who can lift me up in their own special way.

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