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kaylia2oo5's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 26, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 36 years old
Expecting: Twins

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My Journal

Oh, that felt good!
By kaylia2oo5 » Posted Mar. 6, 2014 9:24am - 210 views - 0 comments

So my in-laws have really been on my last nerve, especially here lately (thank-you surging hormones!). Anyways, we live an hour away from some of them, and 2 hours away from the rest of them, yet they can never stop in (even if they're going right by!), never call or anything to see how any of us are doing. This includes my SO. I would think that it would hurt his feelings that his family never comes/calls/messages, etc., but he doesn't say too much about it. I mean a simple phone call wouldn't hurt anyone!
His mother messages to let us know that one of his Aunts was going to be in the hospital about 10 minutes away from us. I told my SO and he said he didn't really care, that he hadn't talked to her since 2011. He's also starting his night shifts tonight, so he's going to be busy with working. I told her that he hadn't said much (not wanting to start troubles and tell her what he really said) and she got bitchy with me. So I got bitchy back!
I simply asked her why he should have to be the only one to make an effort in seeing any of his family, when NO ONE in his ever makes an effort to see/call/message him. She didn't text back. If it hadn't been for US making the effort, she would've never seen her grandson (he'll be 16m next week). We haven't been down that way since last June, and that was the last time she's seen him. YET she's driven up by here (right by our driveway) and not stopped in, not let us know that she was up this way...nothing.

It felt so good to tell her what I did- although I could've went on and on!

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