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Quartz3's Pregnancy

My Due Date: May 30, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: Canada

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9 weeks tomorrow, and still bored
By Quartz3 » Posted Oct. 25, 2014 6:53pm - 235 views - 3 comments

Ha, it certainly seems like I keep complaining about how boring early pregnancy is!

Things are slowly moving along though. I had my first medical appointment last week, which allowed me to schedule the dreaded NT scan. It will be on November 20. That certainly feels like three eternities away, but oh well. I have various non-pregnancy-related appointments to focus on before then, so I should make it half sane. And on Monday I'm going to go get some bloodwork done. So something's happening.

Also, I've been able to hear baby's heartbeat using my doppler twice now. I try to use it only once a week because I'm paranoid and don't like to do anything that has any remote chance of hurting the baby. I'm really glad to be able to hear it so early in pregnancy. I'm much less scared of a miscarriage now.

I still only have gained two pounds, but BOY are they right when they say you show earlier with your second! In the morning I look about 3 months pregnant. At night I look about 4 months! It's unbelievable. I'm not very comfortable with the fact that this means there's no way I'll be able to hide the pregnancy until after the anomaly scan at 18 weeks. (Just getting to 14 weeks will be quite an achievement!) I know that if things seem fine at 12 weeks, it'll be a very good sign. But I certainly won't be reassured in any way until the anomaly scan. Sure, if there is a brain abnormality that's as serious as it was the first time, they'll see it. But what is it's not? If we're carriers of a ciliopathy, would that ciliopathy necessarily cause such a major problem with the brain? Could it cause smaller problems that would be incompatible with life but could only be detected at 18 weeks? Our first baby also had situs inversus and no corpus callossum. Those can't be detected that early - I had my last ultrasound at 16 weeks and neither the tech nor the doctor saw that.

So basically, I would have to spill the beans because of my humongous belly (for god's sake, I'm already wearing loose-fitting tops at work!) and pretend to be really excited and oblivious to the fact that everything could crash within a month's time.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Quartz3 » Posted Oct. 26, 2014 2:04pm
Thanks for the comments ladies!
Yes, it really is baby's heartbeat I'm picking up and not my own. I do pick up my own while searching for babies and the difference is pretty clear. The actual rate the doppler gives me could be off though as I pick it up for less than a minute at a time, which I guess makes the calculation of an average more complicated for a machine. That and my own heartbeat in the background could throw the rate off. I'm not too worried about that. :)

Comment from dakotagurrl » Posted Oct. 26, 2014 8:19am
I found the first 20 weeks and the last 11 to be my slowest moving. I spent a lot of time planning out the nursery theme and shopping for all on-sale baby stuff. I got tonnes of great deals by shopping uber early, it was awesome!

Its nice to be able to hear the hb early on. I heard mine at 8+5, ur small so its definitely not uncommon. As for the rate, as Im sure u already know, it varies with fetal activity and the quality of the doppler, even being slightly off on the angle u found him/her at will drop the rate...at 125, u'd know it if it were ur own tho, thats fo'sho!! If it helps, I listened to my baby everyday, morning, noon and before I went to sleep for the nite...no problems! Dopple away!! =))

Comment from stickybean1976 » Posted Oct. 26, 2014 1:14am
Hi and congrats on your pregnancy. Yes I agree things do move very slowly in the early weeks. I too have had 4 m/c's in 12mths and finally this time 14 weeks but it does take for ever to get there, everyday, every week seems to drag. Not to be negative but at 9 weeks you normally cannot pick up a babies HB on a home Doppler and 125bpm is not what it would normally be at 9 weeks usually it's the highest of all the weeks around 160-180 although everyone is different, the only reason I am mentioning it as you may be picking up your own HB which is very very common on dopplers in weeks 12-15. My doctor finally picked my babies up a couple of days ago but he also got mine also and that's at 14weeks. Home dopplers are usually okay for after 12-14 weeks ongoing.
I hope the weeks start to go quicker for you specially coming up to that 12 weeks NT scan. GL look forward to your scan up-date ;-)

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