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Quartz3's Pregnancy

My Due Date: May 30, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: Canada

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Woah, so January really sneaked up on me!
By Quartz3 » Posted Jan. 5, 2015 1:24pm - 150 views - 0 comments

I knew (and hoped) it would happen with the holidays, but it feels (although I've been anticipating it for a whole month) like I just woke up and WOAH, the Level 2 ultrasound is THIS WEDNESDAY! I could just about faint with nervousness right now. I feel pretty confident that we have a normal baby this time around as well, but this is based purely on the 12-week scan which was normal, and the fact that last time we had a normal scan at 12 weeks, we had a normal baby. But the reality that we could very well get horrible news this week is just now hitting me.

I get annoyed when people ask me if we're hoping for a girl (because we already have a boy) because really, all I'm hoping for is a brain. I generally don't say anything because it's the question people ask to pregnant ladies. However, my MIL has already twice mentioned that we'd be finding us the gender and I want to KILL her! She's one of the few people who know how the first pregnancy turned out, and how unnerving the Genetics follow-up and the second pregnancy were - of all people, she should understand that we really are not going to that ultrasound to find out the gender. The first she mentioned it, I told her we were hoping for a brain. She laughed. Yesterday, when she mentioned it again, my boyfriend said we were mostly hoping to find out whether everything was fine. She said "Oh. Does that worry you?" WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT? I really feel like we should not have bothered to tell her when I was pregnant the first time. She's now completely oblivious to the whole situation, so really, what good did it do?

I guess it's not really her fault, it just seems like people tend to assume everything will be fine and either not even think about the risks for us or simply discard our negative feelings. My Mom, for example, although we have not had an ultrasound since 12 weeks, is of the opinion that if something was wrong, "they'd know it by now". It's really frustrating to constantly be told that our fears are unfounded and everything will be fine. It's basically like being told we are being unreasonable, and not intelligent. I guess it's people's way of being encouraging, but it's really not coming across that way. Is it really so hard to say "It must be very stressful for you, I'm crossing my fingers everything will be fine."? Denial is really just an insult.

So, two more days until the verdict. Then we have the fetal MRI next week. And then we'll know if we're having a baby.

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