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Joined Mar. 28, 2012 9:44am

Quartz3's Pregnancy

My Due Date: May 30, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: Canada

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My Journal

36 weeks - it's all coming together!
By Quartz3 » Posted May. 4, 2015 2:05pm - 364 views - 1 comment

Soooooo I've made it. I'm now in the final stretch. I will be off work in two weeks, and the home renos are finally reaching an end. The nursery is all done - all I have left to do is hang the washi tape craft I made on the wall next to the changing table so baby has something to look at during diaper changes. We got a twin bed for our toddler over the weekend - for the past few weeks he's been sleeping on his crib mattress, on the floor. We'll switch his crib mattress for his twin mattress this week and then assemble the bed probably over the weekend.

In the basement, almost everything is done also - we mostly now have to set up our toddler's play space! We bought an IKEA Laat table and chairs kit, and I will be painting it this week as well - the tabletop will be a chalkboard, I can't wait to see the final result!

I will also be packing my hospital bag this week, as well as a small bag for our toddler, who will be staying with friends when we're at the hospital. Giving birth to a second child is so much more stressful preparation-wise because you really want to make sure your first will be taken care of when it happens! Our families live hours away so we have to rely on friends, which is fine because we have amazing friends we trust entirely, but it's still hard to try and think of every possibility - labour starting while our son is at daycare, in the evening, at night, during the week, on a weekend.... figure out where to leave the car seat for our friends to put in their car - and hoping we'll think of taking it out of the car when we leave for the hospital!

Oh, and we also have to install the car seat base in the car. This will also probably be done over the weekend.

As for me, the pregnancy is still going smoothly - I am incredibly lucky. I still sleep fine and don't have any major annoying symptom. I'm starting to get a little nervous about delivery, but I guess that's normal. I always thought pregnancy was well designed in that you're initially afraid of labour, but as it comes closer you are so uncomfortable that you really just want it to be over. However, I never got to that stage with our first son and it's not looking like I will for this one either. I'm a bit scared that this delivery will be longer and harder than my first, because my first was so PERFECT, it couldn't happen like that twice. But I'm also scared that I will barely make it to the hospital if it's faster than my first!

I guess we'll see!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from rcorinne » Posted May. 6, 2015 12:12am
Glad you've got everything so taken care of and are feeling well. Perhaps you'll have another "perfect" delivery. You never know. :)

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