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Joined Feb. 24, 2012 3:46pm

ericapallen's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 3, 2012
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 35 years old

Back to My Pregnancy

My Symptoms & Discomforts - Month 3

An detailed overview of all my symptoms and discomforts month by month

Month 1
1 to 4
Month 2
5 to 8
Month 3
9 to 12
Month 4
13 to 16
Month 5
17 to 20
Month 6
21 to 24
Month 7
25 to 28
Month 8
29 to 32
Month 9
33 to 36

Month 3 » Mar. 24, 2012 to Apr. 20, 2012
Achy Legs                                                      
Breast Heaviness                                                      
Darkening Areola                                                      
Dizzy or Light Headed                                                      
Frequent Urination                                                    
Increased Appetite                                                      
Increased Breast Size                                                    
Increased Sense of Smell                                                      
Increased Thirst                                                    
Interrupted Sleep                                                      
Joyful or Excited                                                      
Leg/Foot Cramps                                                      
Low Energy                                                    
Mood Swings                                                      
Pronounced Veins                                                      
Restless Sleep                                                      
Tender Breasts                                                    
Thicker Hair                                                      
Yeast Infection                                                      

My Common Symptoms and Discomforts

  Symptom/Discomfort Number of Days Percentage of Days
#1 Bloating 2 out of 28 days 7.1%
#2 Fatigue/Exhaustion 2 out of 28 days 7.1%
#3 Frequent Urination 2 out of 28 days 7.1%
#4 Increased Breast Size 2 out of 28 days 7.1%
#5 Increased Thirst 2 out of 28 days 7.1%

Profile Comments for ericapallen (12)

Comment from babycarnell » Posted Apr. 3, 2012 12:38pm
I like emmi..im an Emma! I know what u mean. I have two girls so would love a boy but I would bit be disappointed with a girl..healthy and happy all the way! We like Noah for a boy possibly Michael after my partners dad who passed away recently. For a girl..I like evangeline..to be called evie or Bella. I have a grace and a ruby rose already.

Comment from babycarnell » Posted Apr. 3, 2012 10:23am
Hi erica! How are u this week? You have had some tough pregnancies haven't u! Hopefully this one will be more plain sailing! :) I have had two natural births but the first should have been a c-section, I ended up having 3rd degree cuts and was stiched up for an hour and half after..very surprised I had a second lol! I panic about c-sections..I guess its the unknown! My second daughter was born in half an hour from first contraction to being in my arms so I'm hoping I get to the hospital with this one!! Might be a car baby! I love your boys names..I keep looking at American baby name lists as I think they have a lot more different names than the British ones! I always like the name devon but we live in the south of England in a place called devon!! So it would be a bit strange to name the baby that lol! Anyway hope u and family are good! Must go and do some work! Byeee!

Comment from babycarnell » Posted Mar. 30, 2012 1:42am
Hi erica! I'm so glad you got your scan and everything was good! I wish we could have ours, for some reason it just makes it more real doesn't it, I have a few symptoms but the nausea has gone and I keep having dreams that we go for the scan and there's nothing there..weird huh! Other than that things are good, I'm getting impatient about telling my girls but I really want to make sure everything is ok at the scan first..so only 4 more weeks to wait!! Have u got a birth plan in mind yet? X

Comment from babycarnell » Posted Mar. 23, 2012 2:03pm
Ooh lucky. We don't get our first til 12 weeks. Hope everything goes well :)

Comment from ericapallen » Posted Mar. 23, 2012 1:24am
I'm doing pretty good, tired and nauseated a lot, but happy! I go in for my first sonogram on Monday!

Comment from babycarnell » Posted Mar. 22, 2012 1:00pm
Hi there! I see we are both on our 3rd! How are u feeling?

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