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Joined Mar. 6, 2012 10:03am

avereemorgan1119's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 13, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old

Back to My Pregnancy

My Symptoms & Discomforts - Month 6

An detailed overview of all my symptoms and discomforts month by month

Month 1
1 to 4
Month 2
5 to 8
Month 3
9 to 12
Month 4
13 to 16
Month 5
17 to 20
Month 6
21 to 24
Month 7
25 to 28
Month 8
29 to 32
Month 9
33 to 36

Month 6 » Jun. 26, 2012 to Jul. 23, 2012
Abdominal Heaviness                                            
Achy Legs                                                
Bleeding Gums/Nose                                                      
Braxton Hicks Contractions                                                    
Breast Heaviness                                          
Decreased Appetite                                                    
Decreased Sex Drive                                                      
Dizzy or Light Headed                                                      
Dry Eyes                                                      
Early Waking                                                  
Fetal Movement                                      
Fluid Retention                                                    
Frequent Urination                                                
Glowing Skin                                                      
Increased Appetite                                            
Increased Breast Size                                              
Increased Saliva                                                      
Increased Sex Drive                                                      
Increased Thirst                                        
Interrupted Sleep                                                    
Joyful or Excited                                    
Leaking Colustrum                                          
Leg/Foot Cramps                                      
Leukorrhea (Increased Cervical Fluid)                                                
Low Energy                                          
Mood Swings                                              
Restless Sleep                                              
Round Ligament Pain                                                
Sensitive/Irritated Skin                                    
Skin Rash                                          
Sore Hips                                                    
Sore/Sensitive Nipples                                                  
Spider Veins                                                      
Stabbing Abdominal Pains                                                      
Stuffy Nose                                                    
Sweating/Hot Flashes                                                  
Tender Breasts                                              
Tingling or Numb Feet                                                      
Tingling or Numb Hands                                                    
Vivid Dreams                                              

My Common Symptoms and Discomforts

  Symptom/Discomfort Number of Days Percentage of Days
#1 Itchiness 10 out of 28 days 35.7%
#2 Fetal Movement 9 out of 28 days 32.1%
#3 Gas/Flatulence 9 out of 28 days 32.1%
#4 Joyful or Excited 10 out of 28 days 35.7%
#5 Leg/Foot Cramps 9 out of 28 days 32.1%

Profile Comments for avereemorgan1119 (37)

Comment from DanielleS » Posted Apr. 11, 2012 11:03am
Hey!! How are you feeling??? 3 more weeks until 12 weeks ultrasound!! EEEK

Comment from knicole27 » Posted Apr. 8, 2012 6:51pm
aww ty hun!! we are sooo excited!! my husband wanted a boy more than anything so I am happy about it. I thought for sure it was a girl though lol. Everyone too kept telling me how sick they were with girls.. apparently that did not matter. This boy made me sooo sick the first trimester. I still even do get nausea every once in a while usually at night so I don't know if it ever like went away away but I did start feeling better at week 14. Thank God! lol. I lost a lot of weight! How are you doing?! how are you feeling?!?!? I have been feeling him for a few weeks but my midwife said its because he is crazy long with longgg legs!! excited for you to get to your second trimester!! :D Happy Easter hun!

Comment from knicole27 » Posted Apr. 3, 2012 8:58pm
eeek about 14 hrs now till my appt!!! im excited. My gut says girl...but I am weird because I keep calling it he and bubs. lol. I have appts galore this week. I finally get an appt with a midwife as well on thursday and then have another appt friday, There is a possibility I may get a scan again on thurs with that midwife. I was just informed this today but its not a guarantee so I am still going to my elective paid out of pocket u/s tomorrow. You'll be in the 2nd trimester before you know it! I do know however that my first trimester felt like it lasted forever!! lol. Did you tell me already when your next appt was!??!?! lol.. preggo brain if you did ;)

Comment from knicole27 » Posted Apr. 2, 2012 2:31pm
yay for 8 weeks! your almost there!! the 2nd trimester is SOOOO much more enjoyable than the first I promise! and your almost there!! I am doing good since the 2nd trimester started lost a lot of symptoms. My only symptoms now is all kinds of boob symptoms and cravings but also this week (week 16) I started feeling slight movements from lil one. Feels pretty awesome and is reassuring that everything is going the way it should be. I was not expecting to feel anything till at least week 18 or even 20.. because thats what they say when its your first but some how I have been able to starting at week 16. It started with light fluttering sensations and now its much more noticeable. Seems like it gets stronger everyday. I love it! My gender scan is on weds!!! i am soo excited for that! In the meantime my allergies are kicking my butt so..its nap time. lol. Take care of you two! :)

Comment from knicole27 » Posted Mar. 30, 2012 8:50pm
Hey have not checked up on your in a lil while.. how are you doing mama??

Comment from DanielleS » Posted Mar. 23, 2012 11:15am
Congrats on your pregnancy!! I am due November 12th!! Its so very exciting. I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks and seen the wee little heart beat!! It was very exciting!!

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