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Joined Jun. 13, 2012 12:28pm

kirstenmhairi's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 14, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 33 years old

So long and painful, but so worth it - true what they say! But methinks it will be a LOOOONG time until the next!

It's A Girl!

Emmie Rosaline Eris Sargent
Born on February 19, 2013 at 12:52am
Born at 40 weeks and 5 days

Weight: 7 lbs 13 oz
Length: 0 inches

Labour & Delivery
Delivery: Vaginal
Pain Relief: Nitrous Oxide/Entonox
Duration of Labour: 22 hours
Baby's Apgar Score: 9

Emmie Rosaline Eris Sargent's Birth Story

I went into early labour at 2:17am on 18/02/13 and started timing my contractions. They weren't strong but by 6am were 2 mins apart. I went to the hospital just in case as we live an hour away, and was told that I was only 1cm and hardly effaced at all. My waters were bulging, however baby was wriggling away from MW's fingers during examination.

I went home, and then had an appt with my personal midwife, who confirmed that she thought I was definitely in latent labour but was approaching established and thought I would have baby by the next day.

I laboured at home until about 4:30pm when my contractions got very intense. We went to the hospital again and was told that I had jumped to 5cm and was fully effaced; they established my labour at 6pm, and said I wouldn't be leaving without baby :)

Unfortunately the birth pool I had requested was unavailable, so I laboured cross-legged on the floor rotating my pelvis (I was VERY surprised that this was my most comfortable position!!). The room was very relaxing and had dim lighting, candles and music.

By 10pm the contractions were unbearable, but when I was checked i hadn't progressed and was still just 5cm. The MW was not happy and said she was going to break my waters, and asked me to consider pain relief for the intensity my contractions would be at after that. I let her break them, and accepted gas and air.

2hrs later my pain tolerance reached its limit, and I asked to speak to someone about alternative relief. An anaesthesiologist was called and began to talk me through pethidine and epidural. As he was talking to me, I suddenly had the 'urge' and began pushing... everyone then started shouting and I realised anything else I could have had was out of reach now.

I pushed for approximately 10 minutes and my beautiful daughter was born at 12:52am, covered in meconium but absolutely gorgeous.

I had ragged membranes and a 2nd degree tear which required lots of stitching, but all that matters now is her!

Profile Comments for kirstenmhairi (1)

Comment from Zombee » Posted Feb. 20, 2013 11:49am
congrats! adorable

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