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Joined Feb. 8, 2014 10:18am

withchild2's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 19, 2015
I have given birth!

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Glucose Tolerance and Baby Shower
By withchild2 » Posted Nov. 12, 2014 10:00pm - 152 views - 2 comments

Ok, so the doctor never called after my Glucose Tolerance test a week ago and she said she would only call if the results were abnormal. I am so overjoyed that I don't have gestational diabetes this time. I thought for sure I would have it since I had it with my first pregnancy. So, that is a huge blessing.

On another note, my sister-in-law called me yesterday and surprised me with the news that she and my cousin were going to throw me a baby shower January 10th, which is about a week before my due date. This was just so, so sweet of them to think to do that. I was inwardly feeling a little sad about the fact that it really isn't socially acceptable to have a baby shower for a second child. I think it should be, though. In our case, my last pregnancy was four years ago and this baby is a different gender so it's like starting from scratch as far as blankets, clothes, and diapers go. OH, and there's the fact that my husband's grandfather died unexpectedly shortly before our first child's baby shower so all of my husband's family left the shower (understandably) and so it definitely took away from the celebration. I think those are the reasons that my SIL and cousin decided to do this for me. I was not expecting a baby shower this time, so that was a huge, welcome surprise.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from withchild2 » Posted Nov. 13, 2014 6:29am
Thank you! Same to you! I don't understand why it's weird to have a shower for each baby. (Assuming you don't belong to the Duggar family lol)

Comment from stickybean1976 » Posted Nov. 12, 2014 10:09pm
That's great I have to do the two hr one this week too. Yuck !!!
I'm having a baby shower, stuff it lol even though I'm 38 and it's my second too. I had my last 7yrs ago and never had one. So I think it's lovely they want to do that for you. Enjoy :-)

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