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Joined Dec. 20, 2011 8:26am

sarashnitzel1's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 29, 2012
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 42 years old

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My Journal

rainy day
By sarashnitzel1 » Posted Dec. 27, 2011 3:49pm - 265 views - 1 comment

So it is raining outside and my 2 year old is stalking me screaming "I want mama" I guess that is how it goes when they have an ear infection. I hope little Scrooge sleeps tonight because his little brother/sister is kicking my ass. I am so tired. I was doing my VPL (vaccuum, pledge, laundry) and I wanted to curl up in my empty laundry basket and fall asleep. No naps for me this week though because all the kids are home from school this week. That is okay though. I will be thankful for the day I get my nap though. The hubby wants me to watch our "TV" shows together tonight, but I will be asleep by 8 hopefully :/ So I totally dont feel pregnant AT ALL. I remember giong through this with Cole being like
"im not pregnant I swear" and its really annoying because I don't see the dr. till the end of January. O well. Also my symptoms are totally different from the boys. I have NO sinus issues, my gums aren't bloody, not as nauseas blah blah blah. I am overly tired though. AND I already have to wear maternity. I swear I instantaniously got fat. I know I gain weight in my stomach first but this is a little overkill. I started showing with Jake at 15 weeks, Cole at 8, and this one seems to be @5 weeks. I swear I am having twins, that wouldn't be that far off because my mom is a twin and so are my older brothers. I am making tacos tonight. I am SOOOO excited! YUM! Although I am the one who has to make them, and clean the mess up afterwards. Food is never as good when you make it yourself I swear. Anyhoo...after dinner the kids and I are having "footy pj night" Yes, I have footies and am DAMN proud of it. We are gonna watch Kung Fu Panda 2...I haven't seen it yet so I am quite excited that I don't have to watch Rio for the 800th time. Okay enough ADHD ramblings. Its Taco Time!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from DestinyStarr » Posted Dec. 29, 2011 11:30am
Yaaay for footy pj's!!! Sounds like yall had fun!! :-)

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