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Joined Oct. 7, 2011 8:11pm

elizabethwig's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 6, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 39 years old

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4w1d - telling the parents
By elizabethwig » Posted Jan. 1, 2012 12:22pm - 284 views - 2 comments

so far, we've told my parents. my mum took the news much better than i anticipated. she got it right away from the 'baby on board' car sticky and came over to give me a hug. my dad is slowly getting used to the idea, i think. it's clear he's not thrilled, but i think he's more concerned that we'll be able to have enough money and sort out daycare and all the stuff when the time comes. always worried about me before anything. he's been asking some questions though for the last hour so i think he's working through it in his own time. i'm certain that once this kid shows up, he'll be thrilled. see how i said when and not if? yay optimism!

we'll be going over my my fiance's parent's house this afternoon to tell them. i don't want to tell his brothers yet, but i doubt there's any way around it. i just don't want anyone finding out that doesn't need to know, and his brother knows a lot of our friends back home. if it were about 8 weeks further along, i'd be ok with it, but since it's so early i'll have to swear them all to secrecy.

man, i was so nervous for my parents! my heart was beating so hard. i'm glad it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.

now all i need to do is carry the kid to term! that's easy, right? hah.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from elizabethwig » Posted Jan. 2, 2012 5:10pm
i would think it's pretty common to want your family to approve and be happy when you announce you're expecting. they never said it outright, but my parents gave me many indications that they didn't think us starting a family now was a good idea, so i was relieved they at least pretended a bit for my sake. i'm sure they'll get used to the idea with time and love and spoil the kid like crazy. heh

Comment from gabry79 » Posted Jan. 1, 2012 2:07pm
I am happy everything went well with your folks, although I do wonder why you were so concerned, you are not a teenager anymore. anyway, I happy for you and I am sure they are going to adore their grandchild,no matter what!

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