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Joined Apr. 30, 2012 12:27pm

Aldersonbaby's Pregnancy

My Due Date: December 31, 2012
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 45 years old

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My Journal

Finding Out
By Aldersonbaby » Posted May. 1, 2012 10:08am - 210 views - 1 comment

Now that the room has stopped spinning, I can tell about finding out.

I spent Friday morning arguing with Bill over insurance stuff. I have been trying to get everything lined up for a sonohysterogram. That's what was recommended to me during my first visit with the infertility specialist. I wasn't really ever planning to meet with an infertility specialist, but I was sort of nudged across the hall by my surgeon. He's the guy who did the endometriosis "clean up" and exploratory surgery a little over a year ago. He frowned when he looked at my chart and he said, "Well, it's not good if you've been unprotected for a year and nothing's happened." So, he sent me across the hall.

The infertility specialist said that right away Bill needed to do the dark closet & magazine test and I needed to get this sonohysterogram to see if my tubes are closed off.

And that brings us to Friday... I finally got through all the insurance red tape and called the infertility lady back to let her know we are good to go on the procedure finally. She asked me what day I'd started my period and I said, "Well, any day now. I'm actually a week late." After a long pause, she said that I should probably go buy a pregnancy test. I laughed and told her I would and that I'd be calling as soon as I started. A few hours later... I was standing in a bathroom staring at the stick in shock. Five more tests of different brands... and my head started to spin. I waited until Sunday after church to tell my husband. I wanted to be sure we had our foster daughter out of the house. Once she was settled in down the road at my Mom's house, I broke the news. Bill must have said, "Really???" ten or eleven times. We spent the rest of the day just staring and laughing and staring some more. Of course, by late Sunday, Bill was blurting out things like, "Well, our insurance is going to go up." and "Well, you know that January is the busiest time of the year for me at work." and "Where would we put it?" and "I hope you plan to work this summer."

I had to tell my mom and dad. I know most people wait until everything is confirmed, but I know how much my mom has wanted this and how much her heart has ached as she's watched me suffer. She just cried and cried and laughed and couldn't speak. Daddy was happy too and he kept assuring me that all of Bill's worrying is perfectly normal. He said Bill would soon relax and be able to get excited.

It's Tuesday now and we have six more days before we will ultrasound.

I still can't believe any of this is happening.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Marisa0125 » Posted May. 1, 2012 9:29pm
I love this story! Congrats!

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