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Joined Apr. 23, 2012 12:16am

zuzudanni's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 1, 2013
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 38 years old

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My Journal

12 weeks 6 days
By zuzudanni » Posted Jun. 25, 2012 1:47am - 296 views - 0 comments

So I have been m.i.a again and have been reporting on this pregnancy less often as things progress. I guess its because I am not so nervous anymore and not looking for constant reassurance and also the fact that I pretty much have no symptoms to complain about lol. I have had a really massively sore back the past 4 or 5 days where its to the point that I cant walk upright. I'm assuming that it's back strain from pushing my very stubborn shopping trolley stacked full of groceries and my 2 year old daughter as that's the day I started aching.

I had my son's 5th birthday over the weekend and that was good. (Especially the chocolate mud cake I had made for his b-day cake ;) lol) And have also just finished his enrollment papers to start school next year... sob sob :'( I can't believe it's that time already.

On the baby front there is not much happening at all, I get the occasional flutter but nothing solid yet and my belly is swelling quite nicely lol. I was told I am getting the pregnancy glow the other day but I don't see it, I just see a blotchy, overweight mess so i'm not sure if she meant it or was just humoring me :S

Well that's all for now, will update after my next hospital appointment :)

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