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Joined Jan. 27, 2012 8:27pm

dmartin65's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 1, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 53 years old

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Meeting w/ the Neurologist/Epilepsy Specialist!
By dmartin65 » Posted Jul. 10, 2012 8:07am - 178 views - 1 comment

Our meeting went very well and just as my husband and I suspected. Dr. Harvey does NOT believe that I am having seizures and has released me to drive. I am so very happy and my husband about danced a jig. He spoke to us at length and did a few visual tests. I have no history of seizures and they do not run in my family. So now he wants a couple of things to happen. First he wants me to go to a sleep lab and have my sleep apnea rechecked. It's been 12 years since I was a diagnosed and had a sleep study. Then he wants me to talk to my OB about having an MRI. Both neurologists agree that he only way we might have a chance of knowing what happened is to do an MRI. My husband and I are very hesitant, as we do not want to do anything that could possibly harm the baby. There are no studies showing that MRI's are harmful, but yet there are none that say they are not. He feels an MRI is necessary so he can see if there is something they should be treating. He said sometimes people can have small issues in the brain (ie; lesions, small tumors, etc) that are dormant, meaning you have no problems from them or symptoms. However, when you get pregnant, because of the increase in fluids your body takes on, it can trigger these small issues. Luckily I have an appointment with my OB tomorrow and we are going to discuss them doing an MRI. Worst case, I am almost out of my first trimester so if we need to wait until the babies major organs are developed we will not have that long to wait. I am going to pray that God helps us and the doctors to make the best decision for both myself and the baby.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from hopefulat40 » Posted Jul. 10, 2012 4:09pm
Sounds fantastic and that you are on the right track...:) Stay positive! :) Things will be perfect!

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