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Joined Oct. 18, 2012 6:05pm

LyssaBugg's Pregnancy

My Due Date: I suffered a pregnancy loss
Age: 34 years old

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I feel like I'm loosing everything today...
By LyssaBugg » Posted Oct. 30, 2012 10:35am - 442 views - 5 comments

My boyfriends house has been completely destroyed by water for the most part. So he needs to relocate, and I was pretty much living with him and going to be officially moving in with him soon. Everyone is on edge today. He's going to go to access the damage soon, but I can't go.

I've been spotting since late last night. My doctor (who was sweet enough to give us her cell phone for during the hurricane since she evacuated also) told me to go to the ER today if it hasn't stopped by noon today. I'm really scared. I have light cramping on top of it, and today I don't have morning sickness, it's basically the first day I haven't since I first got pregnant.

I've been laying down non stop since the bleeding started (other than bathroom trips), and I'm afraid that getting up for the ER will push me the rest of the way to miscarriage if I'm not there already.

I'll let you know how the ER visit goes.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Natiefernmommy » Posted Oct. 30, 2012 4:10pm
I am so sorry to hear that. I had spotting off and on for 2 days with this pregnancy but it was brown and only came when i urinated. I was very scared but I looked it up online and it is crazy how commen it is to have spotting during early pregnancy. I am really sorry about your guy's home.

Comment from LyssaBugg » Posted Oct. 30, 2012 12:50pm
Thank you very much for your positive comments =)

Comment from LyssaBugg » Posted Oct. 30, 2012 12:49pm
Okay, I feel so much better right now, they told me it was just a blood clot working it's way out, maybe from stress. I did carry a few boxes to the car during the evacuation, so I guess that makes sense. It took them a while to find the heart beat, but they did, and my hcg went up from yesterday too. They did tell me I was dehydrated so they gave me an IV. They also told me to try to drink milk or those shakes they give to children to help keep their diet balanced to help the nutrition and weight loss. They want me to start maintaining or gaining weight now. They think that might have something to do with it.

Comment from dmartin65 » Posted Oct. 30, 2012 11:15am
Tesia is right. Try not to panic until you know more. I had spotting from an SCH as well and all was fine. Sincerely not trying to get your hopes up but want you to know we are thinking of you. You have alot of stress right now, it sounds like. Just try to stay positive. Let us know how it goes.

Comment from Tesia211 » Posted Oct. 30, 2012 10:48am
Hang in there LyssaBugg. I'm sorry to hear about your BF's place and hopefully all will be well soon. As for the spotting, I started spotting last Saturday (20 Oct) enough for me to need a panty liner just to protect my panties for the whole week. I worked long hours, was under a lot of stress and it got heavier on Friday (26 Oct). Saturday morning (27 Oct), I woke up to what seemed like a light period to me with red blood....there was an actual flow. Went to the ER and all was fine with baby but got diagonosed with Subchorionic Hemorrage/Hematoma (SCH). So, your situation may not necessarily mean miscarriage, it could be something else. Don't get your hopes up yet. I will check back to see how your ER visit went.

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