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Joined Oct. 18, 2012 6:05pm

LyssaBugg's Pregnancy

My Due Date: I suffered a pregnancy loss
Age: 34 years old

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My Journal

By LyssaBugg » Posted Nov. 6, 2012 4:22pm - 348 views - 2 comments

You know... I've been pretty happy this whole pregnancy... Giving the circumstances I think that's pretty good. BUT TODAY I HATE THE WORLD. I have massive vertigo so I finally got my ear looked at. It had been plugged for a week and a half, and I'd been dizzy. That alone I could handle. But yesterday the world started yelling back at me. This used to happen when I did gymnastics sometimes. Basically, what it is is when I talk, or breath, or my heart beats, I hear it echo back at me with wind coming through too. My HMO is far away, so I had to go to a UC. Basically all he could tell me was that my canal looks great, so it's probably my inner ear. He basically told me there's not a whole lot he could do since you can't really see it. He told me to take Benedryl, prescribed a 4 day steroid, and gave me anti vertigo and nausea pill. Now, it kind of is helping. I'm not echoing back the same... but my ear is still plugged. Also, I echo again as it gets later in the day (I take the pill when I get up, the steroid. I take the benedryl at night but it makes me sleep so I don't know if it's actually working). I have really bad TMJ so I can get a referral to see an ENT out here (I'll get both looked at) my mom thinks they could be related. But with insurance it takes a lot of processing.

Anyway, that's my vent. It makes talking a pain, and hard to listen =(.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from LyssaBugg » Posted Nov. 7, 2012 2:10pm
Thanks =)

Comment from aubabylcd » Posted Nov. 7, 2012 11:16am
Hope you find an answer for that and get better soon!

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