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Joined Oct. 18, 2012 6:05pm

LyssaBugg's Pregnancy

My Due Date: I suffered a pregnancy loss
Age: 34 years old

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My Journal

I'm worried. Hopefully seeing a doctor Friday.
By LyssaBugg » Posted Nov. 13, 2012 12:28pm - 368 views - 5 comments

If you saw my last journal, you know I've been having some trouble with vertigo and my left ear.

If you didn't, you can read it, but it's not super important. I haven't been on in a while. I'd been good about getting on every day before that.

Well, I still have vertigo. But now I've gone completely deaf in my left ear with a constant ringing/buzzing sound. I'm having some vision problems, but I think it's just because I feel so off. Basically I see fine, but I'm using mostly my right eye. I've also been having a constant pressure headache since this began.

I keep walking into things. I've refused to use stairs unless when necessary, and at work I'm doing as little as possible.

But what I'm most concerned about is some numbness I'm feeling. My left pinky, down my forearm has the feeling you get when a foot falls asleep, it started Sunday afternoon, and hasn't let up. A small portion of my tongue has the same thing going on, as well as part of my cheek.

It's easy to say that I'm scared.

I'm hopefully seeing an ENT on Friday, and I'll let you know what happens there. This started as just my ear, but now I'm not sure if it's an ENT I need anymore.

On the bright side my pregnancy is looking good, and my boyfriend and I are happy still =).

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from LyssaBugg » Posted Nov. 13, 2012 4:21pm
Thank you all for the comments, after seeing everyone in agreement I am going to go to the ER once John is out of work. I don't feel well enough to drive since a bit disoriented (he will be out in less than an hour). In the mean time going to shower and get ready- I'll let you all know as soon as I do what's going on. Thanks again

Comment from hopefulat40 » Posted Nov. 13, 2012 4:10pm
You need to go to the ER lyssabugg...

Comment from dmartin65 » Posted Nov. 13, 2012 3:23pm
I agree. You need to go to the ER. Saving a $100 copay is not worth risking you or your babies life. Good luck!!!

Comment from LyssaBugg » Posted Nov. 13, 2012 2:32pm
Trying to avoid 100 dollar copay to the ER... If something goes wrong and I can't be seen Friday, I'll most likely go to the ER.

Comment from stephpan » Posted Nov. 13, 2012 1:51pm
I think you might want to consider a trip to the ER - those are some pretty serious and scary symptoms.

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