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dmartin65's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 1, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 53 years old

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Moving to a house at 31 weeks pregnant; I do not recommend it! LOL
By dmartin65 » Posted Dec. 10, 2012 8:20am - 413 views - 3 comments

Let me just say that I do not recommend moving while you are pregnant. This is how my last two weeks have gone. Due to little Sabrina coming soon we decided we needed to get a 3 bedroom (were living in a two bedroom apartment). Luckily we found a cute little 3 bedroom house that was in our preferred neighborhood, so we started moving last Saturday. I woke up that morning around 4a.m., and could not go back to sleep so I got up and started more packing. The movers were due to arrive at Noon so I had plenty of time. I packed and rested, packed and rested for most of the morning. My back and hips were killing me by that afternoon. Finally the movers arrived and they and my hubby started moving boxes. I felt so helpless because all I could do was sit there and point or direct. Now let me just say we lived on the 3rd floor so my poor husband was getting his exercise. By about the time the movers were done, my feet were more swollen than normal because I had been on them for so long. My husband sent me on to the new house to direct the movers there while he did a couple of things at the apartment. So the movers got all of the big stuff moved and lots of boxes. My husband was moving more boxes that had not been completely packed. Again I still feel terrible because I feel like I am no help whatsoever to my husband who is taking the brunt of the move. But he was adamant that I not lift a finger. Well let me tell you, I am so glad he did. Because by about 6p.m., Saturday evening my feet were so swollen I could barely walk. Then they stayed consistently swollen all week long. I have also been having hip issues as well. Especially after sitting for a period of time. We had to go back this weekend to the apartment and pack up what was left and then my husband and his friend moved the remaining items. I was so emotional when my hubby sent me back to the house after I had finished packing a few more things at the apartment. He did not want me going up and down the stairs any longer. I felt bad leaving him there to handle what was left, but he insisted. Needless to say it has been a crazy, exhausting, and emotional time but we are FINALLY in our house. We have boxes everywhere that need to be unpacked but we are so happy to be in our new home. Hubby is even more happy to have the move over with. Please ladies take my advice. DO NOT try moving when you are in the third trimester of your pregnancy. What a whoopin'!! LOL

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from sunshinebear711 » Posted Dec. 10, 2012 6:54pm
Not alone! We just moved into a new house on Halloween... I had just entered the third trimester and I was SO frustrated because everyone kept telling me that I was not allowed to move things. Ugh. And now that I am trying to get the nursery set up, they are telling me to stop and rest and nesting has hit and UGH!

*hugs* But you did it and it will be a fun story to tell the munchkin. :-)

Comment from dmartin65 » Posted Dec. 10, 2012 1:15pm
So true Dylsmommy! LOL Thank you and you too. =o)

Comment from Dylsmommy » Posted Dec. 10, 2012 12:13pm
You are not alone honey! I was about where you are 8-9 weeks ago, we were waiting for construction to finish and finally got into our new house! I did the packing and unpacking but as far as moving....nope didn't help a bit so the way I figure it as long as I could pack the small stuff and help out the best I could then I did my part....I mean we are already doing a BIG job :) GL with new home!

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