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Joined Jan. 27, 2012 8:27pm

dmartin65's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 1, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 53 years old

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L&D Visit at 32 weeks, 5 days for elevated BP.
By dmartin65 » Posted Dec. 13, 2012 8:55am - 427 views - 0 comments

Well yesterday afternoon I got a headache. It was pretty bad and I did not think I had any tylenol so I decided to go home and just rest (I actually had some in my purse but had completely forgotten about it). On my way home I started thinking that it might be blood pressure related. I decided to test my blood pressure at the grocery store. Ladies, do NOT use/trust the grocery store blood pressure machines. When I took my blood pressure it came back 166/89. I was floored and immediately scared. I had been having borderline high bp since my pregnancy began (between the 130's and 140's) but this was way high. I decided to call my husband as I was leaving the store. He suggested I go to Walgreens or CVS and have the pharmacist take my blood pressure, just to be on the safe side. Well when she took it my bp was 144/86. Much better, but still a little high. And with the headache I decided to call my OB. I left a message and when they called me back they told me to go to L&D so they could monitor my bp. So off we go. After being monitored for an hour, my blood pressure readings were coming back normal (117 to 120's). I was elated. The nurse told me that she was going to call my OB and let him know and see what he wanted to do from there. They decided to take some blood and run some tests just in case. (BTW, babies heart rate was good and strong). After all of my blood work came back and about 3 hours of monitoring I was released to go home. I see my OB next week so he will talk to me more then. However, the nurse stated, not to trust the grocery store bp machines. She said that if I wanted to get a more accurate bp reading that I needed to buy my own bp cuff/machine and just take it at home. She said that cuff size can make a difference in your reading and that pharmacies use the same cuff for everyone, so their readings can be off as well. I am going to talk to my doctor more when I see him next Thursday and more than likely buy my own bp machine so that I can keep an eye on it at home. So for all of you ladies who are trying to monitor your bp outside of the doctor's office. Talk to your doctor about the best way to do this, and stay away from grocery store bp machines.

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