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Joined Oct. 12, 2012 5:50am

nesssicle's Pregnancy

My Due Date: June 24, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old

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My Journal

By nesssicle » Posted Jan. 10, 2013 10:43am - 169 views - 1 comment

I have been eating like absolute CRAP since ive been pregnant. I feel terrible. Its funny how you make all these promises to yourself that you'd NEVER eat like that once you got pregnant, but here you are! Ugh. I decided to turn over a new leaf, starting today!

Yesterday me and Dh went grocery shopping and all i did was buy healthy snacks and foods. I got frozen fruit, spinach and plain yogurt to make smoothies with. I bought dried mangoes, raisins and these new protein fiber plus bars for some snacks. I know frozen foods aren't the best, but i bought those new Tyson grilled chicken breasts they have in the freezer section for easy cooking so i can just take a few slices to throw on a salad or in a quick pasta dish. (i need the convenience. I had a horrible habit before pregnancy that if it wasn't easy, i just wouldn't eat at all-when it came to cooking for myself that is)

Ive also had an aversion to vegetables since Ive been pregnant. I mean, ill eat them..but i have to practically force myself. They don't taste bad i just can think of a veggie and be like OH YUM I CANT WAIT TO HAVE SOME OF THAT!

So today, i started out with a peach, mango and spinach smoothie ( i know it sounds gross, but it tastes really good, you cant taste the spinach at all). For lunch ill probably have a salad with that grilled chicken and a piece of string cheese......hopefully i can keep on track with this. Ive been doing really good with my managing my weight gain so far, but as i get hungrier and hungrier i want to have more nutritious snacks on hand so im not always reaching for the carbs!

Yesterday i felt really weird twice. While shopping i got really dizzy. I chalked it up to us being gone longer than i had anticipated and not having had eaten in a few hours. I ate when we got home and felt alot better. Later in the day, i was preparing dinner and started feeling a little funny..lightheaded....as the dinner prep wore on i kept feeling worse and getting more dizzy. Finally when dinner was done, i couldn't even eat it. I felt so awful. I muscled down a baked potato and chugged some Gatorade and took my prenatal vitamins and went and laid down in bed. I felt better after about a half hour. I have no idea what caused that, but if it happens again im calling the Dr.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from sunshinebear711 » Posted Jan. 10, 2013 11:28am
I've had trouble eating broccoli since being pregnant... it tastes like cigarettes... :-/ And I do think that your sense of taste changes because it is related to your sense of smell... and we know how that can be...

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