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Joined Oct. 12, 2012 5:50am

nesssicle's Pregnancy

My Due Date: June 24, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old

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My Journal

By nesssicle » Posted Jan. 17, 2013 2:52pm - 177 views - 1 comment

Once again, i apologize for posting twice in one day. My Mom is at it again. She emailed me and this is what she says:

"I wouldn't have believed that you would actually ignore me for a week because I questioned a test. Your Dad told me that you got the job through the temp agency and I just wanted to say congrats! Really.. I understand that pregnancy can create extreme sensitivity, but to keep it going this long is too much. If it makes you feel that uncomfortable I will not say a word about anything unless you swear to take what I have to say knowing I only have your, and our baby's best interest at heart. Geez Louise... I love you."

She hasnt ONCE tried to contact me since i walked out of there, so im not sure how ive been ignoring her, so whatever. IM SO TIRED OF PEOPLE BLAMING PREGNANCY FOR GETTING UPSET! I havent been acting any different than if i werent pregnant..so I write her back:

"If you want to blame it on me being pregnant, go ahead. Its the way you say things...like it was some horrible thing that im doing to the baby because they're making sure the growth is on track. Your tone of voice and facial expressions are the killer. You say its just me, but if all of your children think so...how can it be just us???????

If i wouldn't have gotten any other ultrasounds, this would have been the ONLY one i would have gotten. Not doing it is like saying WELL BOY, I DON'T FEEL LIKE I HAVE CANCER, SO I BETTER NOT EVER GET CHECKED OUT FOR IT THEN. I just wanted to share a moment that i thought was special, seeing the baby as a baby for the first time, with you..in case John wouldn't be able to make it. Boy did you ever make me sorry I asked. Every Dr's appointment and even my choice of hospital has gotten nothing but a negative reaction out of you, and im just tired of it. i never thought it was so far fetched to think that your mother would be supportive!

so she replies:

ok, if that's how you feel, i'll just have to deal with it. i can't change who i am venessa and i've never been good at tiptoeing around it. i just find it hard to believe that these days they have to check every little thing whether there's a suspected problem or not. i didn't say that to hurt you, i only asked why. if it'll make you feel better to leave me out of your experience because i ask to many questions or have an opinion about your dr or choice of hospital then leave me out. i don't have a choice in the matter anyway, do i. and to add to my negative reactions to things, here's another one. it's pathetic that you couldn't have answered the phone yesterday when i called to discuss this and the only way to contact you was through an email.

............. For the record, i answered the phone yesterday when she called and there was no one on the other end. It was late and i was tired so i didnt call back.........................

can you believe this woman? Youd think she was a teenager or something. Her underhanded apologies are so insincere. She really isnt sorry about anything she says or does, she's just sorry that you feel the way you do. She refuses to see that her actions hurt people...but we're all just supposed to accept it.

Im not sure what to do about this situation anymore. It really makes me sad

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from stephpan » Posted Jan. 17, 2013 3:44pm
I'm so sorry you are having to go through this! Mom's can be the worst. They absolutely know exactly which buttons to push and even when you tell them its not ok - they keep doing it anyway! Maybe take a break from talking to her for a while? Just e-mail and text? or try to steer the conversation away from the baby? Many hugs!!

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