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Joined Jan. 10, 2013 9:22am

sassysacha's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 2, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 45 years old
Location: Canada

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My Journal

All the ups and downs
By sassysacha » Posted Jul. 2, 2013 5:16pm - 215 views - 1 comment

We just got home from camping. While there my PG symptoms did some strange things. First, the day before we left I had a good amount of energy, still a bit of indigestion or reflux what every you want to call it, and slight nausea. Was able to get the things done I needed to before we left.

While camping it almost felt like my nausea just went away. I felt good. I was tired but enjoying being out there. I couldn't help but be worried about it. Then three days in I was so sick. I couldn't handle the heat but forced myself to be with the family. Though by supper time I had to lie down, I was done!! Next morning wasn't so bad. Yesterday again was really good, even today, I feel good. yet I can't help but worry.

Even though I have growing pains, and my boobs have been extra sore. I am having trouble sleeping because my boobs are so sore. I just can't help that I am worried.

To make it all worse a friend of mine on another forum went in for her u.s at 8 weeks and nothing, no heart beat. Yup I am scared! It doesn't help that I can't find the fundal height. I have been look for it every few days just for reassurance and nope can't. I don't know if this little hides way back, but when I am lying down my tummy feels like every other day. (now please remember that I have four children already and I should feel it about now.) Though maybe I can feel it standing up..... but not 100% sure. I just hope the Dr finds everything ok on Thurs. I think I will go crazy until then, but trying to think positive I really am....

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from MillerbabyThree » Posted Jul. 2, 2013 6:18pm
Yes.. please stay positive mamas!!! ((HUGS))

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