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Joined Jan. 10, 2013 9:22am

sassysacha's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 2, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 45 years old
Location: Canada

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My Journal

My dates have been moved up
By sassysacha » Posted Jul. 20, 2013 3:59pm - 210 views - 1 comment

Spent some time in the ER last night because I was worried about the cramping I was having. I was scared if it was a UTI. I wanted to get something in me right away in fear of a miscarriage. First thing of course I did a urine sample, then they brought in the fetal heart monitor. Yay baby's heart was beating at 162 bpm, I was in tears! I have never heard baby's heart beat yet. Then the Dr came in (I don't think they wrote down the heart rate) and he wanted to do a quick u/s for the heart beat. Well when we saw baby we saw movement before the heart so we knew baby was ok. He booked me for a formal u/s for this morning, and came back saying that there was a small amount of bacteria in my urine and normally wouldn't treat but because I was PG he wanted to make sure it wouldn't develop into something worse. So I am on some meds for that.

Then this morning I went in for the u/s which she seemed to take forever LOL but was glad she was thorough. She showed me our little darling, then asked what date they gave me at the last u/s. Her measurements said baby was measuring 4 days older. I took that as a great sign.

When the report came back there was nothing wrong, no sign of a bleed and all signs of a healthy baby and PG! Oh and baby's heart rate today is 164bpm.

I am on cloud nine right now!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from MillerbabyThree » Posted Jul. 20, 2013 6:47pm
GOD IS GOOOD!!!! this is great news mamas :) baby girl is doin great with a strong heartbeat ^_^ congratulations

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