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Joined Jan. 10, 2013 9:22am

sassysacha's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 2, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 45 years old
Location: Canada

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My Journal

Try to keep busy
By sassysacha » Posted Aug. 15, 2013 10:04am - 144 views - 1 comment

Well only 13 more days until I get to see my little one again. In the mean time I am trying to keep myself busy, but I am failing miserably!! I am knitting, I am forgetting to do laundry, I am napping, I am shopping and I still feel like time is draggin on. Today I have to book a hotel for the trip to my older threes family in Ontario. But that will only take two minutes of my time.... this trip is turning out to be a very expensive endeavour. We have to go cause we will not be coming out that direction for at least the next three years. As I am not going to fly or drive that distance with a little one. I have done it lots before with my three older ones when we lived in the great white north, I am good with staying here.

I need to come up with some creative things to do the next two weeks (13 days) while we are home to make the time go by faster. I also need to find some energy to clean my house. It comes in spurts where there are days I could clean the house all day (if my body permits it that is, last time I started to have nasty ligament pains), then there are days I don't want to get off the couch....

Food is still a problem too. I may not be bent over with nausea all the time anymore, but I am very disinterested in food. I have to be in the right mood to eat and that is if I can eat it cause most things dont taste the same to me any more. Then once I eat I feel gross and my stomach hurt like I have bad indigestion. I thought that I was finally gaining some weight but the other day I dropped right back down again. I must be just gain water weight.

Well it looks like a beautiful day maybe I will have to take my kids out for a walk to the park or maybe a bike ride around the lake..... though I can just feel my butt aching now LOL

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from MillerbabyThree » Posted Aug. 15, 2013 8:26pm
thats great that you are keepin yourself busy cause in no time you will be seeing your Joy in no time :)

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