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Joined Jan. 10, 2013 9:22am

sassysacha's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 2, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 45 years old
Location: Canada

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My Journal

Catching a cold :(
By sassysacha » Posted Aug. 16, 2013 9:35am - 144 views - 0 comments

Well I was feeling really good yesterday. I got a lot accomplished, very proud of myself. Just as the boys were going to sleep my cats wanted to go out. Well my windows were closed because it was hot out and the air conditioner was on, so if they asked to come in I didn't hear anything until 3am, and probably wouldn't have either unless I woke up cause my bladder was over full LOL. Well my big fat cat came in but my older petite one was no where to be seen. She never goes far, NEVER! So I couldn't sleep, so I just decided to go out and call her for a bit. I was so scared as she didn't come. My worst fears were playing on me, and took me a long time to fall back a sleep. I woke up somewhat early (for me) and she still wasn't there. I went out and called again. Nothing my hubby was on his way to work started his truck and she was at the door. I woke up with the worst feeling in my head like a head cold is settling in good.

I wanted to continue to get my house in a cleaner more organized state, so it isn't so much work before baby comes. I think just before baby comes I will higher a cleaner to really get down deep, so it won't be such a mess when I leave it while baby and I get to know each other. Guess you can say I am in a bit of a early nesting phase LOL

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