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Joined Feb. 9, 2013 12:50pm

Hudson's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 17, 2014
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Location: NEW YORK, United States

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My Journal

16 Week Appt
By Hudson » Posted Sep. 9, 2013 1:13pm - 370 views - 1 comment

The 16 week appointment is uneventful. I knew that ahead of time, but it was nice to just chat with the doctor and get that special treatment for an hour. So, we heard the heartbeat, which I do every day via fetal doppler. Strong solid 140. His machine is way more kick ass than ours. Now, I did ask about the doppler, and he said the doppler is perfectly fine! Just don't freak out if you can't find the heartbeat. And, if it's lower than 120, it's probably yours. So, there you go. Anyway, my blood pressure was a bit more elevated than normal. Doc said the tech took it wrong. I'm pretty thin, so she was talking about pre-eclampsia which the doc said was just way too premature. He says to make sure your heartbeat doesn't exceed 150, which mine was 130/60. I have been getting headaches, so I'm just gonna lay off the salt, even though it's what I WANT!! ;-) Hahhahaa Any salty food these days. Oh, my weight is good. Think I lost 3 pounds, but I think I'm gonna try to keep it steady for the next appointment. That's the 20 week anatomy scan. Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from diamondbaby » Posted Sep. 10, 2013 9:01am
Lol youve lost 3 pounds and ive gained 5 ;) glad everything is going well... I felt my baby move on the 6th so amazing.
I wish my appointment would hurry up but got another week to wait. Have you started to show yet?
Take care x

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