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Joined Jan. 10, 2013 9:22am

sassysacha's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 2, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 45 years old
Location: Canada

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Placenta Encapsulation
By sassysacha » Posted Jan. 1, 2014 10:40am - 416 views - 12 comments

Have you heard about this? No? Yes? Well I have heard nothing but rave reviews about this. There are many ways that you can consume the placenta, but I am still not there. Though encapsulation is perfect for me. I have been up and down about it since TTC. Recently my GF told me she did it, which helped my decision making. Don't ask me why but to actually know someone that did it, makes a huge difference to me.

The benefits to me, being a mother of four already am thinking that it would be perfect. I honestly think it would be perfect for anyone, as this is made for us by our own bodies! I would love the potential of not having a heavy bleed postpartum, having my own body made hormonal pill, have abundant energy, lower chances of PPD, have my uterus go back to normal quicker with the added bonus of a healthier uterus, oh and to top it all off better milk supply. Who wouldn't want to take a pill like this. Only that it is made from our bodies that makes it "socially weird".

I feel empowered by my decision to do this. I really do think this will be the best thing I could do for myself. I am very excited about it!!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from jennavee » Posted Jan. 7, 2014 9:04pm
I've never heard of cooking it! lol!! Now I have a visual of placenta lasagna!! Raw encapsulation is the most common (the dehydration method).

Comment from sassysacha » Posted Jan. 7, 2014 9:28am
cbrown I can see that happening. Though my doula actually encapsulate in a raw form. It is not cooked but very slowly dried so that it keeps all the nutrients in tact. So I guess you make sure you ask about the processes.

Comment from cbrown0815 » Posted Jan. 7, 2014 9:18am
I heard from a doctor that it's good if you eat it in it's rawest form (ew), but if you essentially burn it an encapsulate it, then you lose all the good stuff you're trying to get back in your body. Otherwise, it has the placebo effect. but if that works for you, cool.

Comment from sassysacha » Posted Jan. 2, 2014 5:33pm
Well you could totally make a placenta lasagna or meatloaf or something like that LOL I was reading out of curiosity the different recipes for placentaâ?¦.. Oh boy nope so not for me. I can convoke myself that it is just medicine in pill form LOL

Comment from MamaKB18 » Posted Jan. 2, 2014 3:05pm
Well I love cooking haha... never cooked placenta though lol!!

Comment from sassysacha » Posted Jan. 2, 2014 8:08am
I am not getting a doula for my birth. I am just getting one to do the capsules. For me that seems like too much work with a brand new baby. Good for you for taking that on!!

Comment from MamaKB18 » Posted Jan. 1, 2014 10:57pm
I wont be having a doula bc I have to have a scheduled c-section :( I plan to do my encapsulation myself as it looks very easy and I can get the supplies online for cheap. I'm just not sure how to ask for my placenta, I feel kinda nervous about it I guess....

Comment from sassysacha » Posted Jan. 1, 2014 8:31pm
Wow really court order? I wonder why? It is a part of your body, not like you have to get a court order to cut your hairâ?¦.. In Canada we just put it in our birthing plan and our hospital will pack it in a box for you. I will be paying a doula to put them into capsules for me. The doula was very informative with how everything works. If we were to have a home birth we would then just put it into a cooler, that she would return.

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