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Joined Jan. 2, 2014 3:19pm

BeanStick14's Pregnancy

My Due Date: October 9, 2014
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 51 years old

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My Journal

Found Out I am Pregnant Today!
By BeanStick14 » Posted Jan. 2, 2014 9:16pm - 311 views - 2 comments

Started spotting Tuesday and it appeared like it would if my period was starting. Only thing is my period isn't to start till the next Monday. Wednesday it was still there, just faint pinkish, brownish with CM. I tried to reason it was post coital bleeding, but it didn't make sense. Here it is Thursday and still faint spotting. Started to really think it was implantation bleeding. I looked in the bathroom drawers for a leftover pregnancy test from months before and even though it wasn't FMU I tried it anyway. Since I didn't see a result right away I felt it was another dud and left the bathroom only to come back about ten minutes later for another reason. I looked over and there was a second line! It was a Walmart cheapie and I had to think because of the timing it had to be invalid, but all the same I called the doctors office for advice. Even in the past I've never seen a second line on a BFN. A conversation with them made me believe there was a possibility, so back to Walmart I went to get more cheapies' and one brand name, the digital kind that displays "pregnant" or "not pregnant". I was only going to try again the next day, but on the way home I had to go again and reasoned they were cheap and why not. The second cheapie came out darker. Then I tried one of the brand names. In under three minutes the result was "pregnant"!!

After having a miscarriage two years ago, this seems like a miracle and I'm going to enjoy it. I didn't think I could get pregnant again. My husband and I are going to try to keep this quiet till at least we see and hear a heartbeat. I'm hoping this website will help give me a place to communicate. I just wanted to document this day.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from kimmy85 » Posted Jan. 3, 2014 9:11pm
aw congrats to you and your husband!!! how exciting!!

Comment from Peanut1987 » Posted Jan. 3, 2014 8:26am
Just wanted to say welcome and congrats. I to had some pinkish bleeding before my BFP....it's a good sign I believe, means baby planted itself nice and deep. Lol.

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