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Joined Jan. 15, 2014 5:19pm

Amarylis13's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 27, 2014
I have given birth!

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My Journal

not wanting to announce ever!
By Amarylis13 » Posted Jan. 26, 2014 7:08pm - 214 views - 1 comment

I hate my fathers side of the family. I can't stand my inlaws. Due to my inlaws I almost went into preterm labour with my daughter at 24 weeks. They arn't nice to me and my mil actually kicked me out at 15 weeks pregnant when I was on bedrest due to just being a psycho bitch. I don't want to tell her because she will try to find excuses to take my daughter away from me so I can "rest". I don't trust her. She has already made comments that I HEARD to my daughter about me being crazy.
My fathers family has never tried to get to know me. Never made an effort to be in my life and make me physically ill when I have to see them. I don't want the fake interest in my life this time. I don't want the visits to see the baby and then go back to ignoring me. I had a small wedding and I feel like the group photo is ruined because a third of the guests were these people, my mother invited my Oma on my dads side because she thought I had told her. I've made her swear this time to not tell anyone about my pregnancy. I wanted to announce on facebook next month but now I am thinking about unfriending some of my family members so I can. They only talk to me if I message them, never call. Nothing. I am so sick of it all. I want this pregnancy to be less stressful but the thought of these people finding out already has me in tears. I never wanted to give birth to my daughter because I didn't want my mil to take her. She stays away now because I breastfed and she couldn't take my newborn like she wanted. I want to formula feed this time and I will have to tell her flat out no, which is going to cause issues. She throws a childish fit when boundries are put up. I want to cry all joy I had about the pregnancy is gone. I wish I could move away and only tell my moms family where we went. I am 100% not paranoid. My mil is super crazy and I feel like I walk on eggshells around her all the time even in my own home.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted Jan. 27, 2014 12:19pm
I feel for you. My situation isn't as severe as yours but I ptrryy much dislike my mil too. My dad's side of the family I barely even know much less see. Haven't seen them in years and years. If I had it my way we would move to where my family is and not have to see or deal with my husband's mom ever.

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