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Amarylis13's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 27, 2014
I have given birth!

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What is with prenatal care in my city? *warning-huge rant and slightly upsetting to some*
By Amarylis13 » Posted May. 26, 2014 8:34pm - 285 views - 2 comments

I have had it with prenatal care.

Before my daughter I had a missed miscarriage. No dating scan prior and when the dr couldn't find a heartbeat she told me my dates were off, didn't book and ultrasound and told me to gain weight. I carried that dead embryo for 5 weeks before I started to miscarry naturally. All the time assuming my baby was growing fine and making announcements to family members. Had doctors in the er tell me quite cruely that there was no baby and that I needed a D&c.
6 months after D&C I conceived my daughter. That OB was horrible but technically first time I kept her the entire pregnancy. She refused to believe I was still getting morning sickness past 13 and thought I was just trying to get out of work by getting medical leave. I swore I started leaking fluid in my second trimester since it never smelt like urine and would be a slow trickle randomly when I was standing. She never tested me to see if I was leaking, I am 99% sure I was losing little bits coz when my water broke it had the same smell as that other stuff. Also brushed off the contractions I was having if I walked or stood for too long. I swear if I hadn't put myself on bed rest my daughter would have been born way too early. In the third trimester I started feeling very dizzy and craving nail polish. It smelt heavenly. She told me you crave weird things in pregnancy and it was fine if I don't act on it. I told a different doctor the same thing and got tested for being anemic. I had become severely anemic and had developed PICA.

Now for this current pregnancy. Started out with going with my husband to request the blood test to confirm. The doctor asked me if I planned to abort if it was positive and was shocked when I said no. When I got the FIRST blood draw for hcg back which had the best numbers I've ever had the dr told me I was going to miscarry or it was ectopic. Wanted to do a second draw to CONFIRM they were dropping and if they went up he wanted me to be tested for an ectopic pregnancy. Everything of course has been fine. Now the OB clinic this time rotates doctors. The first one I saw I really liked but when I am in labour I only have a 1 in 7 chance of her being on call. The second doctor I had talked down to me and treated me like I was a first time teen age mom. Said because I wasn't taking prenatals when we conceived I was most likely going to have a baby with spina bifida. Well Excuse me but it took one night of "trying" not really fully planned out. The third doctor. Told me being dizzy is perfectly normal at my 19 week appt. But it wasn't normal prior and I have a history of anemia. He checked my first trimester blood results and said I was fine then so there is no point in testing me right now. Well my PICA symptoms are returning so I am getting my family dr to test me for anemia. After letting me leave he calls me back to tell me ultrasound results that are normal and not worrisome but sound scary and did almost nothing to reassure me and let me leave.

The new clinic I tried today I didn't even make it to seeing the doctor. I waited half hour past my appt time, saw a woman who just came in get called before me. When I asked the receptionist how much longer she said I don't know I just confirm you're here you have to find one of the nurses around the corner and ask what's going on. So I left. If the staff is rude and won't even help a new patient a little I'm not wanting to find out what the doctors are like.

So I am 22 weeks 3 days pregnant and have no doctor I trust to continue treatment of this pregnancy. I am so upset that I have been failed so many times. I am going to get a referral to someone new from my family doctor and praying to all powers that be that this doctor will actually care about their patients and listen to their concerns.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted May. 26, 2014 10:49pm
I really hope you get some reliable, helpful, caring help soon. I can't imagine being in your position. Ugh.

Comment from estone » Posted May. 26, 2014 10:23pm
What city do you live in?

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