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Joined Oct. 23, 2012 4:24pm

tamika981's Pregnancy

My Due Date: June 24, 2013
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 32 years old
Location: Rochester, United States

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My Journal

Week 5 Day 1 - Chevon's Birthday [10/23/2012]
By tamika981 » Posted Oct. 23, 2012 4:52pm - 199 views - 1 comment

Well other than having a rude awakening, when my boyfriend's dog decided to take a dump in studio apartment, I woke up feeling pretty decent compared to previous days. At first, honestly, I thought Chevon passed gas or maybe I even did unknowingly (with ALL this bloating). But to our surprise to our noses and especially my stomach (nausea), it was pretty disgusting for me. I am not as tired today as I was the day before yesterday and some day preceding that. My symptoms have also lightened up to and I got to enjoy some Chinese food I have been craving for the last week and a half.
I am still deciding when to tell my mother of this pregnancy. The only people who I have told so far are my boyfriend (of course) and my long time best friend Brianna. When should I tell my mother? When should I tell my 15 year old sister? Well I am putting up a pic of my 5 week flat tummy. Speaking of, I have been slacking from my gym schedule and I need to get back on track. TONIGHT gym, although I probably wont have enough energy to complete what I would like to.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from charliexoxo » Posted Oct. 24, 2012 9:41am
Hey Tamika,

I was petrified of telling my mum for some reason (even though i'm 27 and in a 21/2 yr stable relationship!), i finally plucked up the courage and did it last week and she was over the moon! She's supported me so much already and i'm so glad i told her. I think it'll be better than you think as what mother can be mad that they'll have a new grandbaby?! Let us know how it goes when you do! x Charlie x

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