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jspencer73's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 14, 2013
I have given birth!

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Wonderful Induction Story
By jspencer73 » Posted Sep. 13, 2013 1:26am - 333 views - 0 comments

You always hear the scariest and intense labor and delivery stories. From the second I found out I was pregnant I told everyone everyone every pregnancy and delivery is different ! I was never frightened about delivery during my pregnancy and just made sure to be aware of what was going on and loved to hear everyone's stories so here is mine. Good Luck Beautiful Ladies ! Good luck ladies !
September 11th I arrived at L&D at 7:30pm. My nurse put on my monitors and gave me my iv at 8:33pm. Then my doctor came and inserted the Cervidil at 9:00pm. It basically looks like a long tampon string. The down fall is you can't get up to go pee for the first two hours its inserted.(So by 11 I had to pee so bad I was actually in a lot of pain.) 9:45 pm I started experiencing small contractions. I was then given an 5mg of ambien to help me sleep but by 2:45am Thursday I was woken up by mild frequent contractions. My nurse then offered me a pain killer, one was inserted into my iv, and the second was given to me in my hip. It did sting a good amount though when it was given but 100% totally worth it ! If you are offered it ... TAKE IT!!! It made me feel like I was black out wasted where you nod in and out. It made me sleep pain free for 3 hours. I would request it every 3-4 hours as allowed. At 8:33 am the cervidil was removed (12hours after being admitted). I was then 1 centimeter dilated and 60% effaced. My doctor came in around 9:52am, checked my cervix(no progress) and inserted cytotech. Cytotech is a ripening agent in pill form that is inserted by or on cervix. At 10am I received the two pain killers as discussed above. 1:22pm I was dilated two centimeters and her head started dropping ! I then received only half the drug amount into my IV because I was expecting the doctor to come in soon to have my epi placed. 2:06pm I started Pitocin. 3:00 pm the doctor came in and placed my epi. By this point the half of dosage did wear off though my contractions were mild and only felt those ones the whole time ! So when he was inserting it I couldn't feel it because I was contracting. After inserting it I immediately started to itch all over my body and feel a tingling numb sensation through out my whole lower half ! 4:21 a catheter was placed which was super nice after having to get up every 30 minutes for the last 9 months. I didn't feel it get inserted because of the epi. 4:22pm I was 3 1/2 to 4 centimeters and the baby's head was interior. 5:00pm I was 4 centimeters,80% effaced and interior. At 5:30 the doctor came to check me and could feel my waters so she broke it with a crochet like hook. It just felt like a huge warm flow of water and it gushed as well we I moved over ect. She then placed an internal monitor near Aubrey's head.Afterward my sister,boyfriend, and his mother were all hungry and left me alone to go get food. So I decided to have my dinner as well (Ice Chips) and enjoy a moment to myself. 6:30pm came, everyone was still gone and I felt like I needed to poop like as if I was constipated for a whole month . I waited a few minutes then called my nurse to check my poop pressure out. She carried on checking me, looked up at me really quick and bolted out the room yelling . I knew at this point it was time . I called my boyfriend at 6:35pm who was with his mother and told him to get here now ! (I found out later they hadn't left yet and were both about to get in the car and go get their food) . Meanwhile when they were on there way 2 other nurses showed up in a flash. Mine told me to start pushing just to get a feel for how long I was going to be pushing for and then yelled at me to stop and ran out again !4 other nurses were in the room by that time too setting up a table for my doctor, prepping for the baby, pulling the bed apart for pushing, all this crazy stuff . My doctor showed up all suited and ready then my boyfriend did a second later. I started pushing at 6:44. I had my baby girl at 6:53 :).

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