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Joined Feb. 9, 2013 2:32pm

EAMomma's Pregnancy

My Due Date: I suffered a pregnancy loss
Age: 37 years old

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my bfp.
By EAMomma » Posted Feb. 10, 2013 8:18am - 191 views - 1 comment

Yay Im so excited I just got a bfp at 10 dpo. Very scared as I've had prior losses but I have very good hopes for this pregnancy. I cant believe how strong my symptoms are at only 10 dpo. I am normally a you cant judge pregnancy by symptoms kinda gal but I swear I knew it a few days ago because of how strong my symptoms were. (lol just imagine how stupid I would have felt had I not been pregnant) ... Any way heres my symptoms leading up to BFP

1DPO - TEMP 98.3 . CF creamy. O pains, twinges. bbs a little tender. very vivid dreams. Sleepy took a nap on the couch after Chris got home from work.

2DPO- TEMP 98.2 . CF dry. tired, crampy, a little dizzy. Lots of energy today, cleaned like crazy. Bit of a headache in the PM Woke up to a stuffy nose. Nightmare that scared me silly, woke chris up made him get his gun out to search our house because I was convinced there were people in our home! (he officially thinks I'm crazy)

3DPO- TEMP 98.3 . CF Creamy, feels like lotion. A bit gassy, and bbs a bit tender. Another headache and stuffy nose. Mouth very dry and off and on tired today. Got sick at night, but I think its because I've been chowin down lots of spicy food and my stomach couldn't handle it! haha Urine smells a bit off and my skins breaking out.

4DPO- TEMP 98.8 . CF Creamy. Cervix feels more closed than I've ever noticed. Very gassy and crampy. Very cranky, a bit snappy with everyone. Soar throat and head ache today. Hands and feet are unusually cold today. More break out today. Woke up to my kidneys hurting very bad. My kidneys always hurt when I'm pregnant, but never this early. Very odd.

5DPO- TEMP 98.6 . CF Creamy. High energy today. Soar throat and stuffy nose. Random dizziness when I stand up to quick and mouth a bit dry. Areolas look a bit darker? Very crampy today. Used a heating pad on my belly.

6DPO- TEMP 98.9 . CF Creamy. Lots of pain in my lower left hip area today, coming and going, but never noticed this before. Possible implantation cramping? BBs a bit tingly not sore tho. Another headache (I'm very prone to head aches so this is very normal for me) and woke up to a soar throat. More breakout and pee smells weird again.

7DPO- TEMP 98.3 (possible implantation dip) . Announced to my hubby today I was indeed preggo, but couldnt prove it yet. lol CF EGGWHITE and position is so high and firm. Very stinky gas today. Lots of it. Sore all over today. BBs aching all over very bad today. Very moody and weepy. I cried over many things this day. Increased CF and smelly urine.

8DPO- TEMP 98.4 . CF Dry today. Crying again today, very emotional. Sex felt weird even the hubby said something, like I was swollen and my cervix felt very weird. Had a lower backache and cramps again today. Tired bad gas again, smelly urine, and increased hunger, had like 4 dinners tonight! haha BBs hurt bad very irritable, another skin breakout. Veins on my chest look darker. Dry mouth again. Felt a bit sick to my stomach at random times.

9DPO- TEMP 98.6 . CF back to creamy. Stinky gas baddd. LOL. Crampy and sore muscles. Sore BBs & nipples, darker veins stretch marks on chest look brighter, odd. Bumps on chest standing out. Dizzy, headache. Stuffy nose and dry mouth when woke up. Smelt things upstaris when I was downstairs. Very tired went to sleep very early.

10DPO- TEMP 98.7 . BFP DAY. Woke up at to go to the bathroom at midnight, bummed aiden got me up at 5 to eat peed again figured I'd test, faint bfp OMG is this real? Went back to bed until 7 a.m. woke up fed the kids diaper changes and decided to try some more tests and all are coming back positive. So excited FX for a sticky bean!!!! =]=]=] BBs very sore a bit of a headache and cramps, gas is still going strong. Woke up with a soar throat again.

Now I know LOTS OF THESE ARE NORMAL AND CAN HAPPEN BEFORE AF. I just took note of everything that was happening with me leading up to my positives today.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from lucyblue » Posted Feb. 10, 2013 10:12am
Congrats and good luck with this pregnancy! xo

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