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edwina2021's Pregnancy

My Due Date: October 30, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 31 years old

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Mom, Dad and Baby packing for hospital
By edwina2021 » Posted May. 7, 2013 2:39pm - 345 views - 0 comments

Hospital Bag
A picture ID, insurance card, any hospital paperwork you need
Your birth plan
A bathrobe, slippers, socks.
Whatever will help you relax. your own pillow
your cell phone and charger
Snacks! A bottle of nonalcoholic champagne might be fun for celebrating, too.
Comfortable nursing bras with pads or regular bras.
maternity underpants.
A book on newborn care.
A notepad or journal and pen or pencil. Track your baby's feeding sessions, write down questions you have for the nurse, note what the pediatrician tells you, jot down memories of your baby's first day, and so on. Some people bring a baby book so they can record the birth details right away.
A going-home outfit. Bring something roomy and easy to get into (believe it or not, you'll probably still look 5 or 6 months pregnant) and a pair of flat, comfortable shoes.
A camera or video camera with batteries, charger, and memory card (or film or tape).
Comfortable shoes and a few changes of comfortable clothes
Snacks and something to read
Money for parking and change for vending machines
An installed car seat.
A going-home outfit. including socks or booties if the clothing doesn't have feet, and a soft cap if the air is likely to be cool. Make sure the legs on your baby's clothes are separate so the car seat strap can fit between them.
A receiving blanket.

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