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Joined Aug. 27, 2013 3:56pm

Queenmommy0914's Pregnancy

My Due Date: May 1, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 34 years old

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My Journal

How can something so beautiful be so hard to go through! :z
By Queenmommy0914 » Posted Apr. 2, 2014 6:12pm - 469 views - 1 comment

I feel like I've been pregnant for a year! I want it to be OVER! I want the heartburn, icky gas, soreness, and discomfort to go away already! I can't find a comfortable position to sleep. Sometimes I get acid reflux at night and have to sit up to sleep to prevent the acid from shooting up my throat :( Ahhhhh!!! Be over! lol I'm going insane.

I have partial placenta previa. I'm going in for another Ultrasound at 37 weeks to see if it has moved so I can give birth naturally like I did with my first monster. If it hasn't moved, I have to get a C-section. I'm not too scared about getting a C-section. I've come to the realization that I have no control over it so might as well relax. Panicking takes a lot of you and being pregnant with all the discomforts and hormones messing with you is draining enough!

If I have to get a C-section it most likely will be scheduled on the 24th of this month. Even waiting that long has got me crying and depressed. It feels like it's so far away and that I will never make it! (I'm a major drama queen) :3

I feel gross because I'm so huge and I have awful gas that smells worse than sulfur so the hubs and I haven't really had any sexual contact as of late. We can't have sex anyway because of that damned placenta! We haven't had sex since I was 20 weeks :z TMI We have done other things but it's not the same :p

I have an issue which comes up every few days. I get set on a baby name. I fall in love with it. Then a few days later I find another baby name that I absolutely love and then I'm turned off by the name I fell in love with before :/ This has happened MANY times. I wonder if other mommies have this issue or I'm just special :D

It's amazing what our bodies go through during pregnancy. How a super tiny speck can multiply and become a baby! How cool is that? It's beautiful but it's disgusting (Talking about the picture I posted).

Bags are packed and things for baby have been bought and set up. Now it's just waiting. Other than fill out papers for L&D, we're ready to go...

My journal bounces up and down and can get confusing. That's how my brain works. I totally go from subject to subject like the mad hatter lol Srry if it's confusing to read >.<

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Mrs_HT » Posted Apr. 2, 2014 8:45pm
I feel the same about being pregnant forever. I went through a loss and was over three months then got pregnant right after so I feel ready to hold my baby and not be pregnant. You're almost to the end though! The ending is in sight and you'll be holding your baby in no time. ð???

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