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dakara's Pregnancy

My Due Date: June 30, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 33 years old

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Weird feelings about this pregnancy
By dakara » Posted Jan. 20, 2014 6:17pm - 377 views - 3 comments

I still feel like this isn't a real pregnancy a lot of the time. There were some acquaintances that still didn't know, and the topic came up during a conversation, and I had to go through the whole thing all over again. It doesn't help that I still don't know the sex, because once people find out, that's the first question they ask. But also, since I'm not sure if I'm feeling the baby or not, and I'm not sure if I'm showing or not, it's like... Am I really pregnant? I know it's silly, but sometimes I get really really sure I'm not pregnant. I guess it's because I've never done this before, but I just literally cannot believe that there is really an itty baby inside me.

But then there are other times, like last night, where I'm pretty sure I've felt the baby moving. It was a movement from the right side of my belly to the left, over and over, while I was trying to sleep. Everyone says it's probably just gas, but gas tends to resolve itself, but this was just... you know, like a side to side movement. And it's something I only ever feel laying down quietly, like when I'm waking up or when I'm falling sleep. Yesterday, it felt a lot more insistent than it did the past few weeks. Like, before it felt like maybe I was making it up or something, but this was very definitely something there, but I can't tell for sure if it's the baby. My grandmother told me that if it feels like gas, it's probably the baby, but everyone else is telling me I won't feel anything until 20 weeks or so, but I'm thinking that's just when you feel actual kicks, instead of swimming and little movements? I really truly feel like I'm feeling something there, but I feel really gaslit because no one seems to believe me, except my wife and my grandmother. Even my midwife said I'm probably not feeling anything that it's probably gas or my organs moving. So I'm thinking that maybe it is. But I usually feel it only in one spot.. I dunno, it's weird.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from estone » Posted Jan. 21, 2014 10:15am
I started feeling my son at 18 weeks and my daughter at 17, so it is most definitely the baby. It's normal to worry about everything, especially because its so unfamiliar. Good luck and I'm sure everything will be just fine. We didn't find out the sex with my daughter and it was definitely worth the wait!

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted Jan. 21, 2014 8:55am
I know exactly how you feel. Some days, most days, I'm thinking, Am I really pregnant? I don't feel any different. I can't really say for sure that I am showing yet. I know my pants are getting tighter, but I'm also not super skinny where you pop really soon. I guess I need to give it time to show through the layer of fat I have on my tummy. Lol. I can't wait to start feeling movements, I suppose it will help make it feel more real.

Comment from greeneyes » Posted Jan. 20, 2014 6:21pm
Go with your instincts!

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