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have doubts about vaccines ?
By Amarylis13 » Posted Apr. 8, 2014 8:22pm - 231 views - 1 comment

Do you know what the measles feel like? Most of us remember chicken pox but do you know about measles? Most of our parents do but I know first hand the pain and agony caused by the measles. Its vaccinated in the shots given in the first year. But just some dumb vaccine that is not needed right? I mean who ever has it now a days?
Lots of people do there was an outbreak where I live due to parents not vaccinating. I was one of the lucky few whose vaccine failed but everything on earth has a failure rate. That rate is low but someone has to be in it. So let me tell you what you are risking putting your child through if you do not vaccinate. First a very sudden ear and neck pain starts. It is on the sides of the neck and goes up into the ears. It does not cause a neck stiffness like meningitis, but it hurts horrible. The ears do not "plug" but begin to hurt so bad that you can barely hear anything. Next the fever and chills combined with extreme light sensitivity. I don't know what my fever spiked to but I was freezing during it so it must have been bad. My eyes only felt mildly better if I was in pure dark, closed curtains and no lights on still burned. Everything felt worse than staring into the sun, on top of this there were muscle aches and I might as well have been deaf. Last come the rash a head to toe god awful red blotch rash that you can watch appear like someone is drawing spots on your skin. This can or cannot have itching, I "lucked" out and had my legs itch horribly.
Still sound like something you want to put your kid through? Well now there are the complications that can happen. If you don't hide from the light you can go blind from this, also there is a risk of having hearing problems. I have been over it for about 7 months now and still have ear pain, been to numerous doctors and had tests done. No infection, no redness, no physical reason for me to still have ear pain so that is what I get to deal with from measles until god only knows when, probably the rest of my life.
If my daughter had not been vaccinated she would have had this with me. So if you can live with yourself if your child goes through this by all means don't vaccinate but I hope this will make some people realize what they are risking when they opt out.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from jennavee » Posted Apr. 9, 2014 10:15am
My mom's husband had measles when he was young, he is deaf in one ear and has vision problems. I'm not necessarily pro-vaccine for EVERYthing, but illnesses like these, yes. Why risk it?
Also, even if I was anti-vaccine, with all the OTHER anti-vaccine people putting their children out in public, pretty soon herd immunity is going to be compromised and children will be at risk again for these awful (and preventable) illnesses.
I do a modified vaccine schedule, so it's not too much at one time. By the time my child is in a school setting he will be current on all required vaccines. If he was put in daycare, he'd be current...too many nasties and germs!
Thanks for sharing your experience! I'm sorry you're having prolonged problems and pain. :-(

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