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Joined May. 10, 2014 4:05pm

prinder's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 12, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old
Location: Norwich, United Kingdom

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Trust Issues
By prinder » Posted Jun. 7, 2014 7:36am - 334 views - 2 comments

I'm Gluten Intolerant. This is a basic fact that I make no attempts to keep a secret but try not to bring up in conversation. I'd like to think I manage that balance well and most of the people I know are thoughtful and considerate - when I explain to them that eating any amount of gluten containing ingredients (wheat, barley and rye) usually results in me feeling like someone has taken a belt sander to the insides of my intestinal tract, they make it a point to at least check with me before offering something and are generally understanding when I have to refuse.

My mother-in-law, despite harping constantly on and on about her million and one allergies (you would assume someone who is able to relate wouldn't be this way but...), is the type of person who gets offended if you ask to see the package the food came in to make sure. She also can't seem to remember the many times I've told her about the dangers of cross contamination pose for me.

Yesterday, I was at my in-laws' place and she offered to make me gluten-free toast with beans. Now, I have to acknowledge that it is my own responsibility to watch out for my health; part of the blame rests squarely on my shoulders because I didn't remind her of the rules.

So what's wrong with gluten-free toast and beans? Well, nothing, in theory. Assuming you use a toaster or toast the bread in something that has not been cross contaminated and assuming you don't use the container of butter that is cross contaminated... Yeah.

For those who may not know: it takes as little as ONE Microgram (Hint: there are 1,000,000 micrograms to one gram; one gram weighs 1/454th of a pound) to cause a reaction.

If discomfort was the only problem, that would be plenty, but it gets worse. You see, for people like me, gluten causes a chemical burn in my intestines which makes it HARDER to absorb nutrients. My bowels could literally stop functioning. So it really isn't something someone can be casual about, especially when they are pregnant.

You see, it's not just me who has to be sustained by the food I eat right now. A whole other person who is depending on nourishment in this body of mine and because of some stupid freaking beans on toast (but to be fair, absolutely nothing is worth it) that has been put at risk.

My normal treatment for the discomfort, aloe vera, is not an option right now because of potential side effects when ingested (potentially could trigger uterine contractions) so there is no way to limit damage. I have to tough it out. I've been intentionally keeping the full extent of the possible damage from DH because there is nothing good that can come of it; getting mad at his mother is completely ineffective and, as I stated before I am responsible as well for not making sure.

So let's just say that I have trust issues and, once we get through this (I will assume that will be the case, despite all of the shit I've already mentioned), I won't be eating at the in-laws' place any time soon. So help me.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Lasquesaben » Posted Jun. 9, 2014 3:01pm
Ma Petite,

Try the Brat diet, sans the toast. Drink mild juices (apple comes to mind). Hopefully, since you usually are diligent about avoiding gluten, this will be a short-lived bout.

I wouldn't eat at that house again during my pregnancy.

Comment from Sianny » Posted Jun. 7, 2014 8:48am
On Drs advice I went gluten free to fall pregnant, I'm not allergic or intolerant as I've had tests but after 3 weeks of zero gluten, one of those weeks being nothing but withdrawl, I no longer had flakes eczema like skin, dandruff, headaches or digestive issues that I had before. The 4th week under Drs orders I introduced a small amount and nothing bad happened, also after months of trying I was pregnant.
I still only eat minor minor amounts of gluten as its nice not having a face that peels 24/7 or dandruff. If I have too much I know about it as the digestive issues come back with a vengeance. So when my mother in law made me a special coliflower cheese with 'gluten free' flour which had no packaging fir as she made it at work and it didn't taste like sandpaper I was suspicious. Less then half an hour later I was in the loo for most of the night.
I no longer eat anything at hers.

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