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Joined May. 10, 2014 4:05pm

prinder's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 12, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old
Location: Norwich, United Kingdom

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Daylight's Come and We Wanna Go Home
By prinder » Posted Aug. 10, 2014 5:50am - 433 views - 0 comments

Packing, lots of packing, and every definition of the word. I'm finally back up to where I was weight wise BEFORE I was pregnant... more or less, depending on the mood of the scales, it feels sometimes. But at least I'm in the ballpark now, which is reassuring.

My tah-tahs are still growing. I'm already getting depression marks on the edge of the cups on my boobs. Room to grow, yeah right. How much bigger they need to be, I have no idea; but clearly my body doesn't think four cup sizes already is enough. So help me, I'm going to wait until I have quadra-boob before I get a new nursing bra. Hopefully, I'll be able to make it to December before I need to use it. Un-freaking-believable. I've been moaning about it all so much, DH finally asked what the big deal was. I had him try holding them in his hands. According to him, "they're like a half-a-stone (see: 7 pounds) each." Funny enough, he didn't question my complaints after that.

I don't question where most of my weight is coming from or going to, let's put it that way.

Wednesday, we will be moving back in with my MIL. I'm not really looking forward to that. I think I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I didn't get on well living with her when I wasn't hormone-raging pregnant; I do not see how this will turn out well. My only hope is that I don't have to stay long.

And I am getting waaaayyy more emotional than I have been in the past, there is no denying it. I got weepy watching COMMERCIALS in the cinema yesterday. Commercials made me cry. That's just messed up. Thinking about how the commercials made me weepy makes me weepy. That's even more messed up.

At least the morning sickness is (almost) gone? I thought I was finally in the clear: a week without feeling the earth move under my feet, but alas, I was wrong. I woke up this morning to it and it's lingered ever since. Just going to be one of those days.

Finally: child, seriously? I know I have broad hips and all, but must you use my pelvic bone as a cradle? You're probably taking after my laziness, but this is no way to live, you have a whole wide womb to explore and you're camping out in what has to now be a very cramped spot, just for the sheer stubbornness of it. Yes, I know that's you, because when I DO feel you somewhere else, that spot is surprisingly soft and cushy and I understand why it's your favourite, but come on. I'm not joking, variety is the spice of life and I know you hate cumin, but spices in life is a good thing. I promise.

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