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Joined Oct. 9, 2014 2:41pm

Brandavir's Pregnancy

My Due Date: December 1, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 37 years old

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My Journal

Here we go!
By Brandavir » Posted Oct. 27, 2015 9:11pm - 287 views - 3 comments

4 weeks left today until my scheduled induction (Nov 25), but we doubt I'll make it!
As of monday morning, I am 2cm and 50% effaced. Baby is between -3 and -2 station. I've been having the prodromal labor almost every night, pretty "uncomfortable" at times (like now), but nothing I can't stand. (that will be real labor, then, lol)
The only thing really driving me bonkers is the pressure!!! I can barely walk from the pain of her trying to push my intestines out of my butt! And my pelvis burns and stings off and on all day long, again from her moving down.

Last night stayed up and cleaned, more out of boredom than anything, because my whole family went to bed at 7:45, and I wasn't tired at all yet. A few friends joked that I'm nesting, but I'm not sure that it counts. It wasn't an "overwhelming desire," more like an, "I'm not tired, what should I do now" thing. - -What do you think?

Still have plenty to clean and organize before the baby comes, but luckily nothing major. Nothing worth stressing over! It can all be easily done after she comes if we have to, so I'm just taking it easy and trying not to push myself too hard on those occasions I can actually do stuff!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Oct. 28, 2015 12:30pm
I am in this phase between nesting and the boredom like you described. The other night when I couldn't sleep, I decided why not clean out my tub. I usually do my "nesting" activities after work and save the less fun chores for when I can't sleep.

Comment from Brandavir » Posted Oct. 27, 2015 9:28pm
LOL I completely agree with you, Cattsmeow! And thank you, I keep reminding myself I am almost there, and it will all be worth it in the end!

Comment from Cattsmeow » Posted Oct. 27, 2015 9:25pm
How exciting to be so close! I'm sorry you are so uncomfortable, though!

I hear you on the cleaning. Either I wake up early and clean things because I can not get back to sleep, or I stay up late and clean. Not necessarily driven to do it, but out of boredom, like you. I don't call it nesting, because it's just regular house stuff that I do. Now if it was baby oriented and you were like "I MUST CLEAN ALL THE THINGS!" I'd call it nesting. lol.

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