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rcorinne's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 19, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 39 years old

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The Pregnancy Project
By rcorinne » Posted Feb. 2, 2015 1:01am - 315 views - 2 comments

So, my kid went to bed early after the Super Bowl party. My husband had to get some work done in the office. I picked up some more junk food and hopped in bed to watch Netflix. I chose a movie called "The Pregnancy Project." It is reminding me once again how glad I am that I did not get knocked up while I was in school. Gosh, it's hard to be pregnant, but all the crazy things people think about teenagers throwing their lives away, I never thought much about how it might feel to be on the receiving end of all of those opinionated comments. It makes me sad. It's not a joke, but these are people, too. Albeit, they made poor choices, but the judgments, the pain, the rejection. Ugh! I mean, we all think that kids are stupid not using protection, deciding to keep their kids. I often think they're delusional, just imagining they'll be playing house, but how do they feel? I don't really believe that abortion is a good idea. I respect the choice. I couldn't take away the right to choose, but I wouldn't want to take a life. I understand the fear, though. I had some irregular periods when I was 18 or so. I didn't always use protection. I was young and scared. Maybe girls have more access to birth control now, but I didn't want my parents to find out I was having sex. So, I never took birth control pills until I was dating my husband in college, and I could get them for myself far away from the prying eyes of my judgmental family. Fortunately, I exercised lots of abstinence in between my high school boyfriend and my now husband. However, when I was in high school and early college, I always wanted the love and intimacy of being with my boyfriend. He was my first. He and I were so volatile, mostly because I was religious and felt like a hypocrite, partially because I thought we'd broken up and I kinda hooked up with someone else right away and then eventually went back to him, even though he didn't trust me anymore. Sigh. I was really not very promiscuous. I just seek human touch, attention, emotional support.... I oscillated back and forth between desire and disgust. It was confusing. Thank goodness my husband understands and encourages my crazy Jekyll and Hyde moments. He and I have had a lot to work through. I still have some issues. I just feel like this issue is so much more complicated than it may seem. It deserves attention. Women deserve respect. Even young women. We don't know what people are capable of. We don't know how incredibly smart or stupid they are. We don't know all of their inner struggles. I judge people all the time. It comes naturally to us as humans. I've been in tough situations. I'm not a blameless person. We all could use a little grace. We all should extend a little, too. Okay, see you all later. Emotional pregnant lady OUT. (drops mic)

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from eat2nourish » Posted Feb. 2, 2015 9:56am
Ditto on what I'm watching on Netflix next! I think abortion is just plain wrong, but I'm not going to take someone else's rights b/c of my religious beliefs. I can't imagine getting pregnant at a young age.

I think all couples have some issues in their relationship. When I'm in a tizzy over something & my dh ask's what's wrong I just say "issues", lol. Then justs smiles/laughs, hugs me & waits for me to talk about it or bring it up later. I was told my an older, married couple in our church that a key to a long, happy marriage is communication =).

Comment from Fitbyjordan » Posted Feb. 2, 2015 7:46am
Now I know what I am watching on Netflix next... I am with you, I don't agree with abortion but also don't want to take peoples rights away. I had some scares in my younger days too. I did get pregnant at 24 (not married) and I thought my life was over, I can only imagine how those girls feel at 15-16 years old.

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