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Joined Oct. 20, 2011 4:19am

Jelly-Bean's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 17, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old

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6 weeks to go.. Baby shower day
By Jelly-Bean » Posted Jun. 6, 2014 8:50am - 403 views - 3 comments

My colleague at work organized a shower ("sprinkle") today.
It was small, but nice..

I was looking forward to it cause even though I wasn't suppooooosed to know, I knew it would be this week.

('m going to sound terrible so if I offend, please stop reading..)..

but it's such an anti-climax now.

The shower was the one thing in-between being pregnant and my boy's birth that I was looking forward to and it was over so quickly.. (nd being a SECOND one much smaller) now the waiting just continues..

These past few weeks are dragging by so very slowly - it really is worse the second time round. I LOVE my babies (first born is turning 2 soon..) but pregnancy does NOT agree with me.

The aforementioned 2-year old is incredibly taxing and I feel that I am not capable of giving her the attention she needs.. I'm too tired to play with her properly and too sore to pick her up most of the time.

Hubby doesn't get it (shame, does any man?) and thinks that I'm exaggerating when I tell him that I am REALLY. SORE.. and TIRED.
I still have 3 to 4 weeks of work left and I am simply not focusing on anything career-driven like I used to... I can only think of my baby.. pictures, articles, google, labour, things I need, the repeat C-section coming up (EEEEEEK!)....

Sorry for whining.. as I said.. I am REALLY REALLY thankful for my babies. There are many women who wishes for this - and I do realize that... so my most sincere apologies for complaining.

I know my baby boy needs more time in there but I am so ready for him to be here.

He has started to slow down on the movements.. which I know is "normal" but it makes me paranoid and I wish I had a window to check whether he's fine... I want to see him and even though another set of worrying is to come (this I know by now.. and from experience).. it's more tangible and at least I can SEE him then.

Basically... I just want to be able to bend over,
tie my shoes,
eat something without getting heartburn or feeling like I can explode after 2 bites,
carry my gorgeous girl around
feel pretty and energetic
not spend an hour dressing and undressing for work cause the top from LAST week doesn't fit anymore
want my husband to look at me like he used to
SHAVE properly (and not have it hurt when I try to..)
not see a trip to the grocery store as me taking on a hike up mount Everest..


41 days and counting..

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted Jun. 6, 2014 7:38pm
I can understand how the excitement of being pregnant is going downhill for you, considering all the stuff you've been through and had to deal with up until now.

Comment from Mrs_HT » Posted Jun. 6, 2014 11:01am
I understand the feeling and some women with follow up pregnancy have a hard time. I have had every symptom this pregnancy, high blood pressure, been put on bed rest and with my first, felt like I could run a marathon. There also seemed to be alot more excitement with my first than with my second when it comes to family. I love my babies but am not feeling pregnancy itself. It's such a long process that must happen but that just doesn't always agree and it didn't this time for me. My husband and I maywant more babies I just don't know if I want to deal with the pregnancy. Lol

Comment from Peanut1987 » Posted Jun. 6, 2014 9:11am
I felt the same way with this last pregnancy, just wanted my baby boy out. I too felt so bad about giving the proper attention to my 2 year old little girl. My husband had to give her baths the last 3-4 months of my pregnancy because it was to hard on me to bend, be on my knees and lift her out of the tub. And, now that my son's here I still only find a little time to play with my daughter but it's not as bad. Hoping in the next couple of weeks I can get on a schedule.

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