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Joined Dec. 18, 2011 10:13am

babbosbabymama's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 23, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

Dec. 25th
By babbosbabymama » Posted Dec. 25, 2011 11:47am - 246 views - 0 comments

Today I am starting to be less nervous about having a repeated miscarriage :) We are past 5 weeks and I have been feeling all the normal pregnancy symptoms. I have not had any symptoms of past miscarriage. not even a little spotting and cramping has subsided a lot. I just feel "full" in my uterus. DH is starting to come around in a major way. I think he is realizing that i dont just want to be babyed and that there IS actual reasons for my weepyness and tiredness.He is starting to be more understanding (one of the reasons why I love him so much) yea, he dogged me last week but I think it was an honest mistake. He just forgot that I had to go to the doctor. I was reassured it will NEVER happen again.

I had a nice dinner with my family last night and im sure some suspect im pregnant bc usually my sister and step dada and myself are the loud rowdy drinkers... mom kept asking me if i wanted a drink so i had to just make the excuse I was reallly thirsty and didnt feel like drinking bc i thought i was coming down with a cold... I snuck in the kitchen when nobody was looking and poured myself some grape juice into a wine glass and sure enough, everyone thought i was having red wine. But naturally when the baby decited that he had enough, and decited to make me queesy from it, i was sitting there with a full glass and they started questioning why i wasnt drinking my wine (grape juice) lol. ahhh the joys of hiding early pregnancy!!

I was thinking about telling my mother tonight but i dont want to ruin her christmas and like someone had posted on something i had wrote the other day, its probably better to wait till the 12 week point. I just wish I could tell her now bc it IS christmas so she might not freak out on me so much.. But then again, IF we did miscarry again and then want to try again, it would be almost impossible to play off the "it just happened, it was a mistake" lol I just wish I could be more open with everyone. I am not a liar at heart and when i omit things thats what i feel like im doing.

i figure the best for now is to drop hints like "i been so tired lately", "been having lots of headaches. i think they're hormonal", "my pants feel a little more snug but i havent gained weight", letting them know about frequnet visits to the gyno, "im feeling nauseous for the past several days", "I dont know why but i keep smelling things" etc.... you get the point lol maybe by the time i DO tell her, it will have been expected and the blow wont be so difficult to bear. maybe she will just guess one day and i can just tell her that she is right, i am pregnnt but i didnt want to tell you bc i know ur going to be unreasonable and just tell her i dont want to talk unless she is willing to be open minded. or my sister can just tell her the news, explain to her why I didnt tell her and explain to her how i feel...

either way she finds out, i know she will eventuallly come around. even if its not until she sees his little face and holds him for the first time. I expect it to go kinda like when I adopted the pitbull from the animal shelter and she found out when she came home and was ENTIRELY PISSED OFF and within a week of having him in the house, she fell in love with him and his surprisingly gentle nature even after she said she didnt want ANY dog... now she loves him just as much as i do.. I know the same thing will happen with our baby.

Well, when the day does come u can be sure the story will be posted!! till then im going to pray and ask god to give my mother some understanding and allow her to easily accept my choices. I plan on telling her one day that this was a planned pregnancy but that wont be until my baby is at least 5 lol. Merry Christmas everyone!!

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