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Joined Jan. 17, 2012 9:09am

Coomy08's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 25, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 34 years old
Location: Indiana, United States

Back to My Pregnancy

My Symptoms & Discomforts - Month 3

An detailed overview of all my symptoms and discomforts month by month

Month 1
1 to 4
Month 2
5 to 8
Month 3
9 to 12
Month 4
13 to 16
Month 5
17 to 20
Month 6
21 to 24
Month 7
25 to 28
Month 8
29 to 32
Month 9
33 to 36

Month 3 » Feb. 14, 2012 to Mar. 12, 2012
Achy Legs                                                      
Breast Heaviness                                                  
Darkening Areola                                                  
Decreased Appetite                                                      
Decreased Sex Drive                                                      
Dry Eyes                                                  
Early Waking                                                    
Food Aversions                                              
Frequent Urination                                          
Heartburn/Acid Reflux                                                      
Increased Appetite                                              
Increased Saliva                                                  
Increased Sense of Smell                                                  
Increased Sex Drive                                                    
Increased Thirst                                            
Interrupted Sleep                                                  
Joyful or Excited                                                    
Leukorrhea (Increased Cervical Fluid)                                              
Low Energy                                            
Mood Swings                                                  
New or Strange Cravings                                                
Pronounced Veins                                              
Restless Sleep                                                  
Round Ligament Pain                                                    
Shortness of Breath                                                  
Sore/Sensitive Nipples                                        
Stuffy Nose                                            
Tender Breasts                                                
Tingling Breasts                                                    
Vivid Dreams                                                  

My Common Symptoms and Discomforts

  Symptom/Discomfort Number of Days Percentage of Days
#1 Acne 8 out of 28 days 28.6%
#2 Sore/Sensitive Nipples 8 out of 28 days 28.6%
#3 Constipation 7 out of 28 days 25%
#4 Fatigue/Exhaustion 6 out of 28 days 21.4%
#5 Food Aversions 5 out of 28 days 17.9%

Profile Comments for Coomy08 (21)

Comment from knicole27 » Posted Aug. 16, 2012 10:15pm
aw thank you hun. I am ok. I am soooo tired though. I am anemic now and wow.. i am exhausted. I started some iron supplements today but they have not kicked in yet obviously. Liam is doing a lil better today but he has a cold :/ so he is really congested. They had to put him on oxygen since yesterday because his nose is just sooo stuffed up. So when he tries to eat his heart rate drops too low as does his oxygen saturation rate. I am just so ready for him to be home... i dont really like this whole nicu experience... its really tough... im just so hopeful he gets to come home in the next few weeks.

Comment from MadisonN » Posted Jul. 31, 2012 12:13pm
Hey lady :) Yeah, I'm getting so anxious now! Time is just flying by, only 4 more weeks to go (or less!). I can't believe we are this far already. Good luck for your c-section! I'm kind of jealous, you at least know how your baby will come out and when... I'm obsessing over the fact that I don't know when my baby will decide to pop out nor do I know if I'll need a c-section or not or whether I can handle a natural birth without meds... So many unknowns! Ah well, I guess as long as baby is born healthy then I don't really mind xx hope everything goes smoothly for you!

Comment from Marisa0125 » Posted Jul. 28, 2012 9:55am
We are doing so great! I feel really lucky my pregnancy has been a real breeze, I do have some heartburn and leg cramps but all in all I feel good. We are totally ready for his arrival the nursery is completely done and I'm pretty sure he has enough clothes for the first year of his life lol! Only 8 weeks to go! How are you doing?

Comment from toshska » Posted Jul. 21, 2012 6:05am
heyyyy how are you?! gosh i actually keep forgetting to come on and message! hows baba? Xxx

Comment from toshska » Posted Jun. 8, 2012 5:55am
What names have you came up with?
Ive decided (The boyfriend doesnt know its a boy)
Oliver Kerr O'Shea
SO little Olly! :)

Comment from toshska » Posted Jun. 4, 2012 6:02pm
Gosh!! Boys Boys Boys!
Thanks honey, you too!
I have been crying on and off today.. thinking how am i meant to deal with a boy.. but im alright now.. guess i have too be huh! :) xxxx

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