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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by a member

Q: Please help :'(

My partner has been very edgy lately and not his usual self. tonight he lost it over something so small and started calling me a whore and when I told him to leave me alone he smashed my dinner out of my hand and lasange went all over the floor. After he done thign out of natural reaction i threw my fork at him! (idiot!!) then he slapped me across the face really hard.

His never even raised his voice at me let alone touched me. I dont know what to do.

This question was asked May. 23, 2012 8:49am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by maggie22 - May. 23, 2012 9:48pm
wow! If he hits you once he will hit you twice. I would be going to stay with some other family members if i were you..

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Answered by BabyDaisy - May. 23, 2012 12:40pm
Often, verbal and physical abuse starts in pregnancy in relationships that have never been abusive before. The strain that pregnancy puts on a relationship plus your vulnerable condition makes you an easy target. As the others have said, it's important to spot the signs early and make sure you can get out quickly if you need to. There are lots of charities that offer confidential advice for victims of domestic abuse, which will be very used to speaking to and helping pregnant women. Maybe wait until a time when your partner is out and call one of them to get some professional advice. Also, talk to a member of your family or a close friend about it; it's really important not to shut other people out because you feel embarrassed.

I really hope you get the support you need, wishing you all the best.

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Answered by Steph35 - May. 23, 2012 10:47pm
Please don't think you're an idiot for throwing a fork at him. I might have thrown something at my DH if he behaved that way too. He still had no right to hit you....there's no excuse for that. The other ladies here have given you lots of good advice. Just don't think that his behavior is okay. If he does it once, it's very likely that he'll do it again. You have more than just yourself to think of now. Just something to keep in mind. I wish you all the best.

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Answered by a member - May. 24, 2012 12:04pm
throwing a fork is just like hitting someone, and if the cops came you wouldve been arrested as well...i threw my cell phone at my DH and I got arrested for domestic violence, he dropped charges but cop said "YOU PROVOKED HIM BY HITTING HIM WITH A CELL PHONE FIRST" "YOU ASKED FOR IT" and thats not true at all...and was ignorant on cops behalf but still in the eyes of the law thats how it works!!

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Answered by Mamaof2soon3 - May. 23, 2012 1:33pm
I'm sorry for completely disagreeing with you other ladies... but If he can let something get to the point of physical contact now...things are only going to reach this point sooner once the baby comes..and as time goes by. I was in this spot while pregnant with my first(now my EX)..Once turned into twice..He was sorry..then it turned into choking...then it turned into holding me down..throwing me down..throwing things at me..nearly breaking my arm..choking while throwing me.... UMMMMMM Once turned into several times..and it got to a point that I felt stuck. I had let it go once..and felt stupid telling anybody.. because it mentally began screwing with my perfectly logical thinking. I couldn't think anymore.
You are at your most vulnerable spot now! Pregnant..you are most fragile NOW..If he can hurt you and look past that now..IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE...I PROMISE! I KNOW FOR A FACT. THEY CAN NOT TURN THE SWITCH OFF..IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY.. REGARDLESS OF HOW NICE HER NORMALLY IS.

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Answered by a member - May. 24, 2012 3:25am
Your right violence is not ok by either gender, but you cannot put throwing a fork and hitting someone in the same catagory, and I don't care what you do for living, doesn't mean your right, nor does it mean I am, but people are allowed to disagree with you, without you getting an attitude.

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Answered by knicole27 - May. 24, 2012 12:52am
It is true what looney says.. its unacceptable for both men and women to show violence towards anyone. Because of my past and what I saw as a young child during my early yrs what is scary is I have totally had violent tendencies towards men. For me it feels like a "self defense mechinism" which is so dumb.. I have def had to get my share of help but .. THAT is just another reason why .. if this was to continue just living proof of what can happen when I child both UNBORN and young child can deal with and experience in their life negative life experiences affect so much more than parents realize. :/ Its really sad and really sucks.

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Answered by knicole27 - May. 23, 2012 2:44pm
Ok I am going to answer this question from the unborn babies stand point. My father was very abusive to my mother once she became pregnant. He was also an alcoholic and would turn abusive when he was drunk. Sometimes... its not worth it staying with the father because you have a child together. The stress my mom went through because of the abuse because she not only had the physical abuse led to me having a lot of health problems even to this day. There was a time he even went off so bad that he hit my mom in the belly when she was 8 months pregnant with me. I have had health problems / mental issues galore ever since birth. Its NOT worth it. I have lived 31 years of my life struggling with multiple issues. Then once I was born the incident that it took for her to leave him was him throwing me, yes throwing me, in my hair chair and knocking it over. While I don't remember a lot of these things (some i actually do) ...

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Answered by ilovebabybumps - May. 23, 2012 9:44am
oh dear hunny hope your ok x have you tried to talk to him since? is he the type of man you can openly talk to?

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Answered by Mamaof2soon3 - May. 24, 2012 3:32am
Also, his actions the way they played out..verbal(whore), then physical(dinner plate) ..between 2 men..would have been an invite to fight. So..now you put a this young lady on the other end of that invite..

One more thing..I also believe that men do get belittled in our society when it comes to domestic abuse..and women do use it as excuse to be violent toward them..I see your point with that Looney. I just don't think this is that situation. From what she has wrote at least.

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